Juliette Guidebook JulietteGudiebook | Page 5

Events and Activities There are so many ways to be involved in Girl Scouting and all of them are available to Juliette members! Quarterly, every Girl Scout family in our council receives a magazine, which includes information on Girl Scouts of Citrus Council programs and activities. These announcements represent just a small portion of all of the opportunities available on the Girl Scouts of Citrus calendar of events at citrus-gs.org/en/events/event-calendar. Juliette families also receive bi-weekly emails that highlight upcoming events in their area and council wide opportunities to participate. Opportunities for Girl Scout Juliettes ⚬  Events & Series on the GSC Calendar ⚬ FIRST ® LEGO ® League ⚬  Product Sales ⚬  Juliette Focus Groups ⚬ Camp Journeys ⚬  It’s Your Story – Tell It! ⚬  It’s Your Planet – Love It! ⚬  It’s Your World – Change It! - Outdoor - Think like an Engineer - Think like a Programmer - Think like a Citizen Scientist 4