Julien's Journal March 2016 (Volume 41, Number 3) | Page 2

Medicare advertisement Medical Associates Medicare Plans WE ARE A FIVE STAR PLAN Medical Associates Medicare Plans earned a 5-star rating, the highest quality rating given by Medicare. Only 13 other medical plans in the nation received 5 stars. Medicare Star Quality Ratings provide a tool for comparing quality and service. Medicare awards one to five stars based on the results of up to 32 measures that include wellness promotion, treatment of chronic illness, customer service, and overall responsiveness to members. How does your plan rate? Visit www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan to compare plans. Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-Star rating system. Star Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next. Attend a sales meeting or visit our office to learn more about our top-rated Medicare plans. A sales person will be present with information and applications at the meetings. Call to ask about dates and times. 563-556-8070 or 800-747-8900 | TTY 800-735-2943 8 a.m.—5 p.m., Monday-Friday, 1605 Associates Dr., Dubuque, IA www.mahealthcare.com Medical Associates is a Cost Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Medical Associates Health Plans depends on contract renewal. Y0045_MAHP 734 CMS Accepted 11142015