Today people are really generous . It makes me feel good .” The man laughed . “ That may be true , but I think things are going to the dogs . Well , keep ringing . I hope you fill up your kettle .” He extended his hand , we shook , and he walked away . At home , I told my wife , Carole , about the coffee , showed her the neck muff and the small gift wrapped package . She took the box and said , “ I want to show this to Janet Zeibel .” Janet is a member of our church congregation who is into crafts . On Sunday , Carole showed Janet the box . Janet thanked her and handed it back . “ I think this is a good idea , maybe I will do something like it .” On Monday , when my wife went shopping at Cub grocery , the check-out clerk on the lane she chose was Deb Keech . Carole knows her and worked with her mother when Carole worked at the St . Croix Drug . She decided to give Deb the gift . The next time she saw her , Deb wore a necklace with an angel pendant . Fondling the angel as tears came to her eyes , Deb said , “ When I opened the box it had a piece of candy and this necklace . I am wearing it in honor of my grandma who passed away a week ago .” When Carole got home , she told me about it . I just shook my head and smiled as a feeling of disbelief surged through me . A week later , Carole ran into Deb again . Deb told Carole she ’ d given a friend the angel and described to her how she got it . The friend planned to go on a church mission trip to Poland and told Deb she wanted to make gift boxes with a Ken and Barbie label and a piece of candy with angel necklaces inside to hand out . Thus , a small generous act would be repeated many times over . For me , because of these events , it made that day special and the best kettle day I ’ ve ever had . I also know my dad would feel the same way . v
To our many generous community members , dedicated nonprofits and community partners ,
Thank You
for your big dreams and generous hearts . Together , we are creating greater good for our region , today and for years to come .
In gratitude , the Community Foundation Board of Directors :
Chad Chandlee , Chair Bob Hoefer , Vice Chair Keith Kramer , Secretary Teri Zuccaro , Treasurer Terry Friedman ,
Executive Committee Brian Kane ,
Immediate Past Chair
Nancy Dunkel Sarah Harris Dr . Jane Hasek Natalie Hoffmann Ernest Jackson Cheri Jones Jeanne Lauritsen Dr . Darryl Mozena
Kurt Strand Cheryl Syke Chris Theisen Dr . Liang Chee Wee Mark Willging Nancy Van Milligen , President / CEO
Explore local nonprofits at www . dbqfoundation . org / GivingCenter .
www . dbqfoundation . org • 563.588.2700 • 700 Locust Street , Suite 195 , Dubuque
Julien ’ s Journal ❖ 33