Juicebox Summer. 2014 | Page 36

“ Every morning when I walked into the fashion cupboard I used to imagine I was walking into my very own walk in wardrobe , if only ”
“ My jeans may have been cheapies but I had to buy new ones as I got holes in them from literally crawling around on the floor most days .”
“ I took a rare bird feathered hunting hat back to Purdey . I just popped it in a paper bag . The looks I received when I took it back could have killed ! The shop assistant even got a magnifying glass out to inspect it .” good , the bad and the ugly experiences of interning in a fashion cupboard .

“ After a shoot I witnessed the stylist crying all the way home on the bus , awkward . She told me to never go into the fashion industry .”
“ Luckily for me some male models paid a visit to the office one day .”
To save money on bikes to return things I spent a lot of time taking items back to shops myself . I got a break from the cupboard , got to learn the streets of London a lot better and stop and have a cheeky browse in shops I wanted to go in myself .”

LIFE In A Fashion cupboard

“ I was told by my boss at the time never ever to be a fashion stylist .”
“ A fashion cupboard can make you or break you . Literally .”
“ The best diet I ’ ve ever been on !”
“ I got a goody bag at the end of my internship full of Chanel make up and expensive perfume , it made all the hard work seem worthwhile !”
“ I sat on a suitcase of bags to make it close , I heard an awful crunch and my heart stopped . Yep it was the crystal handle of the one off Jimmy Choo handbag .”
“ Tip for future fashion interns – Do not try on items in the fashion cupboard . A £ 20 000 ring could get stuck on your finger .”
“ Due to missing a day of my internship to attend a hospital appointment I was told my name would be ruined in the fashion industry , great .”