Judgement Day Pale Fire Journal Judgement Day Pale Fire Journal | Page 2

Table of Contents Table of Contents………………………………………………………………..2 Letter from the Editors…………………………………………………………..3 Untitled- Michael Prestininzi……………………………………………………4 Untitled- Amanda Ibrahim………………………………………………………7 Untitled- Kylie Hight……………………………………………………………16 Law and Order- Christina Reso……...……………………………………….19 Law and Order: Artistic Intent- Danielle Nicholson………..…………...…..22 The People of the Region of Appalacia VS. Charles Kinbote- Alexis Hart……………………………….………………………………44 My Attempt at Defending Charles Kinbote (Exiled King of Zembla) in the Face of Prosecution for the Murder of John Shade- Rachel Hund………………………………………………….…………53 Untitled- Charlotte Keais……………………...………………………………57 The Trial of Charles Kinbote- Sasha Ferrari………………...……………...60 The Kinbote Trial: Opening Statement from the Defense Attorney- Samuel Summers………………………………………………….…...64 The King of Zembla verses a Bowl of Fruit Loops- Shelby Ettinger……………………………………………………….…68 The Prosecution of Charles Kinbote- James Lynott………………..……...74 2