Joy feelings magazine | Page 58

years old, who do have an ulcer, will have to have it tested for the presence of cancer.    First time symptoms   Abdominal Mass  Anorexia ( severely limiting food intake) Tests Used to Diagnose a Stomach Ulcer If a person shows the signs and symptoms of having a stomach ulcer, the following tests may be used to search for the ulcer: Previous history of stomach cancer in the family Other symptoms present that may indicate a more serious problem, such as stomach cancer. The symptoms include:  Jaundice (yellow of the eyes and skin)  Symptoms of an ulcer than have returned before or after treatment has concluded. Swallowing is difficult (dysphasia)  ulcer Anemia (a common blood disorder)  If the person is older than 55 years old further testing is needed, especially if the following criterion is met: Losing more than 10% of body weight  Bloody show in stool 58 Endoscopy: An endoscopy is used by the doctor to look inside the stomach and areas of the upper small intestines to