This is another unknown trick
to prevent body odor. After
taking your shower, you
should towel off the areas
that are prone to sweating
and bacteria like we
mentioned earlier. This is
crucial as dry areas usually
make it harder for the
bacteria to breed.
Deodorant is
your best friend
Make deodorant as
your best friend. It does not
necessarily prevent sweating,
but it does at least block the
odor triggered by the
bacteria. You may also use an
antiperspirant which is
beneficial in reducing
sweating. Some
antiperspirants contain
deodorizer, which keeps you
smelling good too!
Shave those underarms
You might want to keep your
underarms as dry as possible.
This is because majority
numbers of people with
personal odor problem
complain that armpit is where
the odor comes from. Bear in
mind that underarm hair can
act as bacteria trapper, which
will only make everything
worse. Hence, shave or wax
them consistently.
Cut back on odortriggering foods
Did you know that red meat
and ingredients such as
garlic, onions, curry powder
and spices (masala) may