Smudgy Silver Shadow
Our obsession with all things
metallic includes silver—
especially when it's all livedin and smudgy, like Zoë
Kravitz's shadow. Line the
inner rims of your eyes with a
black liner (likeUrban Decay
24/7 Glide-On Pencil in
Perversion) to help define
the shape of the eyes. Then
define the creases of your
eyes with a matte nude
shadow that's a shade darker
than your natural skin tone.
Now you're ready to go in
with the silver. For this look,
you want a powder shadow
with a ton of sparkles (like
the silver shade in Tom Ford
Cream and Powder Eye
Color in Black Oyster) that
you will blend all over your
lids, around the inner corners,
and all along the lower lashes
(dampen your brush for an
extra sparkly effect). To
ensure this look stays more
sex kitten than space-age, go
back with your black pencil
and line the outer half of your
top and bottom lashes.