piercing should insure a
healthy healing process.
Tip #2: Don't rush the
process! Your piercing will
take 3-6 months to heal fully.
Do not try to speed along the
healing process. Relax and let
your body work its magic. I
urge you to not change the
jewelry or stop cleaning until
it is healed completely.
Changing your jewelry
before your piercing is healed
can result in infection or
rejection. Allow your
piercing to recover properly
so you can enjoy it for years
to come!
Tip #3: Listen to your body!
You know your body better
than anyone else, and if
something just doesn't seem
right to you, there might be a
problem. If you follow the
sanitary guidelines mentioned
in this article, you shouldn't
have any issues. Things like
mild discomfort and redness
can just be a sign that your
body is trying to recover
from the trauma of being
pierced, but sometimes
problems can still arise. Keep
an eye out for persistent pain,
redness, swelling, or a
greenish, milky discharge
secreting from the piercing,
as these can be your body's
way of saying there is
something wrong. If these
warning signs do present
themselves, or you have any
concerns, visit your doctor.
Usually an infection can be
easily treated, but serious
issues like tissue damage or
disfigurement of the cartilage
do occur. To ensure these
things don't happen to you,
keep following the rules and
paying attention.