Joyce wolayo
Its been a milestone this year
and as always we celebrate the
magical month of July. We
appreciate celebrities and
individuals who inspire us to
write and publish this
incredible piece of work.
We are looking at beauty,
health, fashion and
entertainment in this issue. All
these columns will inspire you
deeply because each article has
been researched and edited for
the benefit of our readers.
Everything is hot and trendy. I
believe in putting health first
on the priority list especially
this month when it reminds me
of my own birthday. I am glad
that I decided to look at it
positively because now I can
focus on living healthy and
enjoying life like that. Crying
over the spilled milk wouldn’t
work especially for the years
that seem to drain away. So I
celebrate Joy feelings magazine
and every year that has been
with those who love to
celebrate life and let live.
That’s the best attitude.
Enjoy reading. Kind regards!