based on her personality
and who you are as a guy.
There are so many
different ways that you
can attract a woman while
talking to her and
interacting with her.
Just like 95% of guys fail in
their attempts to impress
women, almost the same
amount of guys don’t
know how to make a
woman feel attracted
during a conversation. So,
when you learn the
techniques that we teach
here at The Modern Man
(and that you can learn
about in my book The
Flow, which is the
foundation of everything I
teach), you will instantly
become more impressive
than 95% of guys a
woman meets.
In a matter of hours you
can learn what has taken
me years to work out
about attracting women
and getting women to fall
madly in love with you
during an interaction. If
you have met a woman
already and have made a
bad impression her,
simply use the techniques
that I teach in The Flow
and she will suddenly feel
intense respect and
attraction for you. If you
use a lot of my attraction
techniques on her at
once, she will even begin
to pursue you and make it
really obvious that she
has feelings for you and
she wants to be with you.
When you meet a new
woman for the first time,