JOY FEELINGS MAGAZINE January 2016 issue | Page 97

This is the first out of the natural how to get rid of vaginal odor fast overnight and how to get rid of vaginal odor naturally at home that I want to introduce in this entire article. This is actually a great ingredient which you can make use to deal with the problem of vaginal odor. Yogurt is actually very abundant in lactobacillus bacteria, which can help to beat one of the major trigger factors of vaginal odor – candida infection, as well as restoring the normal pH level of the vagina. Once the vaginal pH level gets balanced, you will be able to say goodbye to the vaginal odor problem. Another option you can try is soaking one tampon in plain yogurt and inserting the soaked tampon into your body. Let it stay for about 2 – 3 hours, and after removing the tampon, use clean water to thoroughly rinse that area. 2. Skip The Silk And Change Your Panties Regularly: Joy feelings mag Page 97