JOY FEELINGS MAGAZINE January 2016 issue | Page 74

II. Home Remedies For Gonorrhea – How To Prevent Gonorrhea: Before learning the home remedies for gonorrhea and how to get rid of gonorrhea at home, people should learn how to prevent this disease with just simple tips and techniques, because as old people say: “preventing is always better than treating”.   Do exercise frequently and eat well to remain a strong immune system. Consume a lot of vegetables and fruits and add proper amount of these foods to a balanced diet. Gonorrhea would strive more whenever your immune system is not strong enough to fight against it. You can add more aloe vera – concretely the barbadensis milla specie Avoid getting a sexual intercourse. I have met some people who even do not have sex, just because they totally don’t want to get any form of sexually transmitted diseases in general. They actually fear of the diseases and they believe that being abstaining will ensure that they will be able to be free of infections, but this in fact, cannot 100% guaranteed. The reason is because some sexually transmitted Joy feelings mag Page 74