Journey of Hope - Fall 2021 | Page 7

approximately one-third of the nation ’ s teachers . iv Public support for education has also dramatically increased . A 2019 survey across all 34 of the country ’ s provinces found that 87 % of women and 85 % of men supported women ’ s access to education . v
In the past two decades , women have also seen important gains in terms of access to jobs . As of 2017 , approximately 40 % of working-age adults were female . There are more women-run businesses than there were 20 years ago , and there have been meaningful improvements in women ’ s participation in the Afghan Parliament , police , and judiciary . While surely not enough , these are nonetheless important milestones of progress . vi
With the situation still evolving , it is this generation of educated women who are emerging as seeds of hope . As of late September , women across Afghanistan were publicly protesting Taliban edicts that would ban them from holding government office and entering the workforce . They are risking their lives , knowing that such protests have already been brutally repressed . But they have not been deterred , and the world has been astounded by their bravery .
Afghan women inside and outside of the country recently launched an online media campaign protesting the new restrictions on dress . Using hashtags like # DoNotTouchMyClothes and # AfghanistanCulture , women are posting pictures of themselves on social
media wearing traditional Afghan women ’ s clothing characterized by bright colors and embellished with embroidery and small sparkling mirrors . In doing so , these women are not only rejecting niqabs and burkas but reclaiming their identities as well . As one Afghan women ’ s rights advocate explained , “ Our traditional clothes represent our rich culture and history of 5,000 years , which makes every Afghan feel proud of who they are .” vii
Propelling these brave women is the thought of a life without the rights to work , education , or self-determination ; a life confined to their homes ; and a life stripped of books , music , laughter , and hope . For them , this is no life at all .
What girls ’ education will look like under Taliban rule is far from clear . In Central Asia Institute ’ s experience , even in those areas that have long been under Taliban control , practices can vary when it comes to what is acceptable . Whether this will continue to be the case now that the Taliban rules the entire country is hard to say . But among the Taliban , significant differences of opinion with respect to education suggest that going forward , a uniform approach to girls ’ education may be hard to achieve . Recently , there have been disagreements between hardliners and those who recognize that
Afghanistan needs a better and more modern educational system . viii
It is true that for now , Afghanistan ’ s women and girls face a dark future . Yet there is an entirely new generation of Afghan women and girls who have emerged over the past two decades . They are both proof and hope of what remains possible . Education will empower Afghan women and men all over the world to fight for a better future for themselves , their families , and their country . Y
i . Zucchino , D ., & Blue , V . ( 2021 , September ). A Harsh New Reality for Afghan Women and Girls in Taliban-Run Schools . In The New York Times . https :// www . nytimes . com / 2021 / 09 / 20 / world / asia / afghan-girls-schoolstaliban . html
ii . Engelbrecht , C ., & Hassan , S . ( 2021 , September ). New Taliban Chancellor Bars Women from Kabul University . In The New York Times . https :// www . nytimes . com / 2021 / 09 / 27 / world / asia / taliban-women-kabuluniversity . html
iii . The Right to Education : What ’ s at Stake in Afghanistan , 20 Year Review ( 2021 , September ). In UNESCO . https :// en . unesco . org / news / unesco-soundswarning-what-stake-education-afghanistan
iv . Afghanistan : Women ’ s Economic , Political , Social Status Driven by Cultural Norms ( 2021 , April ). In National Intelligence Council . https :// www . dni . gov / files / ODNI / documents / assessments / SOCM-AFG _ Women . pdf
v . A Survey of the Afghan People : Afghanistan in 2019 : Infographics ( 2019 , December ). In The Asia Foundation .
vi . Supra note iv
vii . Afghan women hit back at Taliban with # DoNotTouchMyClothes campaign ( 2021 , September ). In BBC . https :// www . bbc . com / news / world-asia-58550335
viii . Supra note iv
* The situation in Afghanistan is changing rapidly . For the most up-to-date information about what ’ s happening on the ground and our efforts to support the Afghan people , please visit centralasiainstitute . org