Journey of Hope 2024-2025 | Page 11


Closing the gender gap is critical to global development .

By Alice Thomas
Photo by Lynzy Billing
The countries of Central and South Asia face enormous challenges . While there are notable differences between Pakistan , Afghanistan , and Tajikistan , the countries where Central Asia Institute works , all suffer from high rates of poverty , unemployment ( especially among youth ), illness , disease , insecurity , and conflict . Add to these woes the worsening impact of climate change , as evident in more frequent and severe flooding , prolonged drought , growing food insecurity , and the spread of disease .
These countries also rank near the bottom of the World Economic Forum ’ s Global Gender Gap Index , which ranks 146 countries ’ progress towards gender equality as measured across four key dimensions — economic participation and opportunity , educational attainment , health and survival , and political empowerment . i
With so many complex challenges , you might think that gender inequality must take its place in a long line of issues . In rich and poor countries alike , however , the fight for women ’ s rights has far broader and deeper implications . It is a struggle that affects not just women all over the world ( half the planet ’ s population ), but all people . That is because closing the gender gap is critical to global development . For countries and their populations to thrive , more women need access to education , work , healthcare , and political representation . As the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) explains , “ Greater gender equality boosts economic growth and leads to better development outcomes . It contributes to reducing income inequality and boosting economic diversification and , in turn , supports economic resilience ." ii
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