Journey of Hope 2023-2024 Journey of Hope 2023-2024 | Page 29

For Central Asia Institute , an organization dedicated to advancing female education , combatting climate change could not be more vital to our mission . As CAI Executive Director Alice Thomas explained , “ While women and girls are being disproportionately impacted by climate change , they are also key to ensuring that their families and communities can effectively prepare for and adapt to its effects . For CAI and our partners , empowering them with relevant knowledge and information is critical .”
In 2023 , CAI began collaborating with our local partners to explore potential projects and activities to help integrate climate education into our programs . We received overwhelming support from our partners , as well as teachers and schools across the communities we serve . And while these projects are just getting off the ground , the results so far are inspiring .
In Afghanistan , for example , environmental education is being incorporated into teacher and community leader ( shura ) training . One of CAI ’ s partners , Shining Star Education Organization of Afghanistan , has created a climate change booklet for teachers and students . And tree planting , a proven strategy for reducing flooding , landslides , and soil erosion , has proven a fun and effective way to engage the entire community and empower them to play a role in addressing the adverse effects of climate change .
Students watering a recently planted tree , Khaki Jabar , Afghanistan .
In Pakistan , CAI ’ s partner hosted an Environment Day , which kicked off with a quiz of students ’ climate knowledge , followed by a lecture to educate students on the importance of environmental awareness . Our Pakistan partner is also collaborating with other nonprofits , notably WWF- Pakistan , 4 to spread climate change awareness , conduct environmental education with teachers and students , and discuss sustainable livelihoods .
These inspiring programs , along with our deepened understanding of how climate-related impacts are affecting the areas we serve , have strengthened our resolve to incorporate climate change into our mission of transforming lives and communities through education . We look forward to keeping you updated on these innovative programs . With our partners and your support , we hope to not only make a difference in the lives of those who are most vulnerable , but also to empower them to protect their local environment and way of life . •
UN OCHA Pakistan , https :// www . unocha . org / pakistan
UNDP ( 2016 ) Policy brief : Gender and Climate Change .
A Greener Fairer Future , The Malala Fund
® “ WWF ” is a WWF Registered Trademark
Photo by Sa ' adia Khan
2023-2024 JOURNEY OF HOPE | 27