Photo left top by Ellen Jaskol , right top and left bottom by Erik Petersen
Over time , the demand for education in these communities has grown . Girls in Pakistan have faced greater barriers to education than boys , particularly in poor , rural areas , thus the emphasis on increasing enrollment for girls in CAI schools . Today , the most common need across the schools is for additional classroom space , not only to ease overcrowding but also to allow these schools to serve more grade levels . With several schools providing education for girls only to eighth grade — as opposed to tenth grade for boys — many girls are unable to continue their education , since attending attending high school in faraway towns or cities is not an option .
At the other end of the education spectrum , preschool classes for children aged 3 to 5 are also high on the list of needs . At present , only half of the schools have the facilities and teachers required to make early childhood development possible for these young minds to thrive in school and later in life .
School renovations , upgrades , and repairs are also greatly needed . Schools established in CAI ’ s early years ( 1996-2001 ) are more likely to require improved drinking water systems and gender-segregated toilets , which both promote good health and hygiene and incentivize older girls to stay in school . Those schools established more recently ( 2021-2022 ) need more teachers to fill the unmet demand for education in these areas . •
Looking ahead , Central Asia Institute is focused on a continuous improvement approach for schools that requires regularly tracking and verifying needs and progress . In addition to meeting needs identified by the schools , CAI is working towards higher retention rates among upperlevel female students and an increase in early childhood education participation . Our goal is to ensure these schools continue not only to be a source of pride for these communities , but also to play a critical role in making education — especially for girls — possible in these remote and underserved mountain areas .