Journey of Hope 2023-2024 Journey of Hope 2023-2024 | Page 21

After graduating straight into a global pandemic as a young mother , Afsona had to practice Zen-like patience in landing her first job . But it all paid off in 2022 , when she started the rewarding role of teaching history to sixth- and seventh-grade students at School # 5 located in Khorog , the capital of Tajikistan ’ s Gorno Badakhshan region . Recently , Afsona accepted a new job with the local government and is thrilled to continue building her professional experience and achieving her financial goals .
“ I always share my experience with my students and friends ,” explained Afsona . “ To me , an education is a light that guides you towards a better life .” For Afsona , the alternative was all too clear . Growing up , her parents earned very little but instilled in her a passion for learning and a belief that she could achieve her goals . As she neared high school graduation , she saw many friends leave Tajikistan for other countries , primarily Russia , in search of better employment prospects .
Without a scholarship , Afsona would have had no choice but to follow suit and look for work in Russia . Identifying and winning a scholarship was the catalyst Afsona needed to remain in her home community and be a part of building a brighter future there . The ripple effect of her scholarship extended to her parents , allowing them to focus on building their own financial security as well . “ The fees that CAI paid during my studies took the burden off my parents . Otherwise , they would have had to borrow on credit and would have really struggled to pay it back .”
As Afsona demonstrates , a scholarship for one student becomes a beacon of light for a whole community . Central Asia Institute ’ s investment in Afsona gave her the gift of higher education , which spread to her family , her school , and her community .
“ As a mother , I am happy I pursued higher education . Everything that I learned during university continues to help me in my daily life ,” said Afsona .
Multiplied across many students and consistently applied throughout decades , these scholarships can have
a transformative effect . In a place like Tajikistan ’ s Gorno- Badakhshan region , isolated from economic opportunities , it is especially important to support students and families through challenging economic times .
Tajikistan is unique in that older generations are , on average , more educated and have completed higher levels of education — often at the graduate level — than younger generations . That is because unlike when Tajikistan was part of the Soviet Union , the current government is unable to provide adequate social safety nets and access to advanced education and professional degrees . In recent decades , the country has struggled economically and the lack of jobs and the departure of young people to other countries has threatened this track record of highly educated communities . At Central Asia Institute , we are hoping to counter that trend , knowing that when educated and ambitious young people are empowered to remain in their hometowns , the whole community benefits .
We could not be prouder of Afsona and all of our scholarship recipients in Tajikistan ! •
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