We feel that our lives have been blessed in many ways . We want to be a blessing to some who need the education and opportunity provided by CAI . That is why we have designated CAI for a legacy gift from our estate . – John and Claire Young
Photo by Sa ' adia Khan
GIFTS OF REAL ESTATE OR PERSONAL PROPERTY You can make a gift of real estate or personal property to CAI , removing a large taxable asset from your estate and benefiting by receiving an income tax deduction equal to the appraised fair market value of the property , with no capital gains tax due on the transfer .
GIFTS OF SECURITIES Publicly traded appreciated securities that you have owned for more than one year can be transferred to CAI . CAI would then sell the securities and retain the proceeds , which can be applied to a purpose you designate . As the donor , you receive an income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities while also avoiding capital gains tax .
GIFTS THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE You can designate CAI as a life insurance policy beneficiary . This allows you to provide a gift while also benefiting your heirs , because policy proceeds distributed to a nonprofit are exempt from estate tax .
QUALIFIED CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTIONS ( QCDS ) Also known as IRA charitable rollovers , QCDs are funds from your IRA that can be donated to a qualified nonprofit organization like CAI without first recognizing it as income . If you are above the age of 70.5 and have a traditional IRA , you are eligible to make a QCD . Up to $ 100,000 in IRA funds can be counted as QCDs annually , or $ 200,000 for married couples . Funds go directly from your IRA to the charity without needing to be withdrawn , and the QCD is excluded from your taxable income .
GIFTS THROUGH RETIREMENT PLANS Like a gift of life insurance , you can name CAI as the beneficiary of an IRA , 401 ( k ), or other retirement plan . The amount designated passes to the nonprofit , and your heirs avoid income and estate tax .
We recommend that you consult your legal or financial counsel as you plan your gift . They can help you make the largest possible gift at the least expense to you . Personal financial circumstances may vary and must be carefully considered to receive maximum benefit from existing tax laws .
We welcome the opportunity to discuss how your estate gift can play a transformational role in CAI ’ s mission and perpetuate your personal values for generations to come .
For more information about creating a legacy or to notify us of an estate gift that you have already made , please contact :
Marianne Monoc , Director of Development Email : mmonoc @ centralasiainstitute . org Call : 406-551-9945 .
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