Journey of Hope 2023-2024 Journey of Hope 2023-2024 | Page 13


Create a Legacy Today . “

- Louise Cameron
I was a teacher before I retired and believe strongly in education . And what could be more important than supporting education for women in Afghanistan ? We have made gains in the U . S . It is time to pass the gift on . That ’ s why I ’ ve chosen to include CAI in my estate plan .


Helping to ensure the sustainability of CAI with an estate gift demonstrates your strong belief in the power of education . What ’ s more , your support of our mission will be an inspiration to others , enriching the communities we serve for many years to come .
Every donation makes an impact . When you include CAI in your estate plans , you ’ ll become a cherished member of our Legacy Society , which includes the following exclusive benefits :
• Regular program updates , including our Impact Report , Journey of Hope magazine , and annual calendar
• The option of having your gift publicly recognized or keeping it anonymous
• Invitations to virtual events , including Tea & a Tour , panel discussions , and more
• The ability to honor a loved one with your gift
• A CAI Legacy Society lapel pin
Donors who document their legacy gift at the $ 25,000 level or above are specially recognized as members of CAI ’ s Legacy Society Catalyst Circle . Catalyst Circle benefits include those listed above , as well as exclusive opportunities to attend in-person and virtual special events , programs , and activities .
If you have already included CAI in your estate plans , let us know so we can officially include you as a member of the CAI Legacy Society .
Planned giving is one of the most meaningful ways to show your commitment to the longterm success and growth of our organization . It also offers many potential advantages , including federal estate tax savings , the elimination or reduction of capital gains taxes , and the opportunity to increase spendable income .
Including CAI in our will was an easy decision . The work CAI has done for many years with local communities to improve girls ' and women ' s education is phenomenal . We hope the work will continue long after we are gone . - Ruth Abad
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