Photos by Sayohat Khalilova
Maqbulova Gashnis , a longtime teacher at Preschool # 2 , has experienced firsthand just how difficult and frightening it can be to work in a building that has not been well maintained . “ Our school building was in a state of disrepair . During the earthquake of 2016 , we were very scared because the earthquake was strong , and we took all the children and ran out . We still keep that fear in our hearts .”
She also cites the challenges with properly heating an old building , which is crucial during the cold winter months high in Tajikistan ’ s mountains . “ We have very challenging winters . Since it is very cold , we have to burn coal , which makes smoke in the classrooms , and that smoke is certainly harmful for children .”
My name is Soro and I am 5 years old . I like playing with toys and dolls . In the old preschool , there was wind , and we went to the toilet in the snow . The new preschool will have a place for eating and playing . It will be beautiful .
She says the children are equally curious and eager for the grand opening . “ When we come to work in the morning , the children ask us : What will happen in the new preschool ? Everything will be new ? New toys , new books , new beds ? When we go out , will there be a playground ?” With amusement at their curiosity , she assures the students daily that yes , it will all be new . •
My name is Amira . I am 5 years old . The new school will be red . There will be lots of lamps there . Our old school was broken . There wasn ’ t a place for games . The new preschool will have slides , stairs , toys , and a playground .
Maqbulova is optimistic about the new building : “ When I imagine a new building , it is spacious , clean , and warm , with nice windows , no coal smoke or dust . We don ' t have to worry about heating anymore . Our hands are clean , and our children are neat and tidy .”
“ The Impact of School Infrastructure on Learning .” The World Bank . 2019 . https :// documents1 . worldbank . org / curated / en / 853821543501252792 / pdf / 132579-PUB-Impactof-School . pdf #:~: text = The % 20potential % 20benefits % 20of % 20improving % 20the % 20spaces % 20where , enhanced % 20in % 20schools % 20with % 20better % 20physical % 20 learning % 20environments .
2023-2024 JOURNEY OF HOPE | 9