Journey of Hope 2016 | Page 33


3 her to research how CAI had evolved , and she immediately knew it was a perfect fit for Infuse Gallery .

“ Being a mother of two little girls , the idea of female empowerment is really important to me ,” Kyra explains . “ My kids are strong girls , and I want to help instill that in other young girls . CAI as an organization does that so beautifully .”
“ My six-year-old girl loves to read the blogs and see the pictures of girls just like her . It really blows her mind that there are girls her age who can ’ t go to school and aren ’ t able to speak their minds or be creative . She wants to go over there and meet these girls . I just knew it was a perfect fit .”
To Serve Vulnerable Communities
Infuse Gallery supports a variety of communities in need , including indigenous and homeless populations and people with disabilities . The organizations Kyra partners with not only provide support to these communities , but also empower the members of the communities to improve their own situations in life .
“ Infuse Gallery is a space for people to connect and work together .”
To follow this philosophy of empowerment in her own work , Kyra dedicated space in the gallery to display the artwork created by individuals in each of the populations she wants the gallery to serve .
“ Infuse gallery is an opportunity to connect these people who can create artwork , let them tell their cultural story , and then put it out there to the global community . It ’ s a way for them to make a living and keep their culture alive .”
Kyra believes the clientele the Gallery will attract want to do more than just buy art , they want to create a connection with the artists they support . Missions matter .
“ People are going to connect with artists like Mushtari and organizations like CAI . They are going to engage . Any time people can connect on a human level and be part of a larger story it takes us one step farther from conflict and one step closer to connecting with compassion , empathy and understanding . I think that ’ s a really powerful thing .”
Infuse Gallery is the first art gallery to bring activism and art together to empower communities and individuals . Kyra aims to create a connection through the entire process – from artist to gallery to buyer and back to the community . By choosing organizations that empower vulnerable communities and creating opportunity for artists in those communities to show their work , Infuse Gallery is a space for people to connect and work together . By allowing artists like Mushtari to show their work , they are earning a living instead of living on donations .
Infuse Gallery hosts most of the artists ’ works online , but Kyra is planning to host pop-up shows in the Denver area to showcase new works and allow people in the area to enjoy the artwork in person . Potential buyers are welcome to peruse works and learn about the artists and organizations they can support by visiting www . infuse . gallery . CAI is proud to be a featured nonprofit organization and to work with Kyra and Infuse Gallery to bring art to everyone . •