I don't want to lose you
Cause I'm not strong enough
But this stress is so unreal
Please promise me
That I have all of you
I really need your help to deal
Please don't ever give up on me
Cause every single day
I give up on everything
I'm just in too much pain
The world is reall such a tiny little place
Sometimes it drives me insane
All these questions in my head
I wonder who's winning in this race
Traffif jams happen every day
Can I ever get ahead
Rome wasn't built in a day
I guess he's testing my own strength
I've found a tiny bit of peace
In a place with so much hate
It wasn't easy but it's possible
There's always another way
It only takes one person to hear
And you to persevere
And that shows you're tougher than you know
Someone in the world loves you so