Journaled Volume Seven | Page 11

Wuthering Frights (Dulcie O'Neil #4) by H.P. Mallory Finished

So, as you all know, if you've been reading all my reviews, I've had some ups and downs with this series. Some of the books were amazing and I read them in one sitting, and others kind of dragged on and it took me forever because I was bored. The beginning of this book was slow. I tried to trudge through but it was slow going. But once I forced myself to sit down and actually read I became hooked. Our main character, Dulcie, has a lot going on. She has to sacrifice all her morals for the man she loves. All to save him from certain death. And in the end she loses his trust. Now there were some scenes that made me question if they should even be together because of the way he treated her. I mean in his defense he thought she was dirty, and that is how she had to appear but.... I can't get over everything he did. So, now I'm going to read the next one to see if she actually goes back to him, because I'm not so sure she should.