Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 5, Number 2, Fall 2019 | Page 30

Modeling the Kurdish Conflict with GIS
late , or restrict the conflict inside their territory . Thus , I need an anti-conflict factor to control these pro-conflict factors . ( McGarry & O ' Leary , 1994 ) discussed eight different macro-methods to monitor and deal with ethnic conflict : genocide , forced mass population transfer , partition and / or secession , integration and / or assimilation , hegemonic control , arbitration ( third-party intervention ), federalism , and consociationalism . They believe that the most common method to regulate an ethnic conflict , in contrast , to eliminate the ethnic minority in a multi-national state , is hegemonic control . In other words , the authoritarian government enforces coercive power to control multiple cultures in their territories .
Pro- and anti-Kurdish conflict factor . In this section , I define the four theoretically-informed assumptions regarding my independent variables that influence Kurdish conflict :
Being Kurdish . ( Yusoff & Sarjoon ) showed us how simply being of an ethnic minority leads to ethnic conflict . Kurds are one of the biggest marginalized ethnic minorities in the world . In addition , the Kurdish independence movement is rooted in Kurdish nationalism as an attempt to build an independent country for Kurds . On the other hand , ( Huntington , 1993 ) explained how globalization increases ethnic awareness of Kurdish identity and raises nationalism , which later causes conflict . As a result , being Kurdish is a crucial factor for joining the conflict . In other words , this movement is rooted in Kurdish nationalism . Thus , cities that do not have a Kurd population probably do not participate in this movement , although there might be some infrequent exceptions . For example , Kurds are sometimes recruited by Iranian or Iraqi central governments to fight against the independent Kurd movement ( Van Bruinessen , 1986 ). Thus , I assume being Kurd makes it more probable to join the independence movement .
Being Sunni Muslim . Although Kurdish nationalism is strong , it does not outweigh the religious differences among Kurds . Kurds are mostly Sunni Muslim , but some practice Shia Islam , Yezidi religion , and Alevism . Religious difference is a cultural factor that has resulted in the perception of dissimilarity among Kurds , which later caused separation among them . This difference is doubled when it comes to Shia and Sunni Muslims in the area . As ( J . Fox , 2004 ) suggested , religious discrimination is another factor that facilitates conflict . Most of the Kurds in these three countries are controlled by a Shia government ; they thus perceive discrimination and would like to improve their situation . As ( Glavin , 2015 ) mentioned , the hatred between Shia and Sunni Kurds has played an important role in Kurds ’ separation ; a clear example are the Iranian Shia Kurds who began recruiting from the Iranian government and fought against the Sunni rebellion