Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 2019 | Page 4

Editor ’ s Letter
Journal on Policy and Complex Systems • Volume 5 , Number 1 • Spring 2019
Editor ’ s Letter

Welcome to the new issue of the Journal of Policy and Complex Systems .

Included papers range from environmental policy to tax distributions .
Asim Zia tackles the issue of environmental policy design through the question of conservation versus development valuation conflicts in Tanzanian , Vietnamese , and Peruvian ecological systems . Hector Hugo Caicedo offers a systems thinking approach for targeted population health management in the United States , with specific recommendations for caregivers , biotechnologists , and policymakers . Pete Barbrook-Johnson , Corey Schimpf , and Brian Castellani reflect on the use of complexity-appropriate computational modeling for public policy evaluation in the UK . Dante Suarez models evolving agency in a social context . Bernardo Alves Furtado models tax distribution in metropolitan regions . Finally , R . N . Knowles investigates the dynamical organizations theory in relation to openness , synthesis , and change .
While the papers themselves are very diverse in the topics they discuss , they all contribute to the main focus of the Journal of Policy and Complex Systems to use some aspect of computational or mathematical models to develop , implement , or evaluate polices aimed at addressing one or more phenomena in complex social systems . This field is in the development stage , and we are grateful that every day , new researchers are entering this exciting field . We hope that this trend will continue and that we will all consider contributing to the future issues of the Journal .
Best regards ,
Mirsad Hadžikadić Editor , Journal of Policy and Complex Systems

Le damos la bienvenida al nuevo número de Journal of Policy and Complex

Systems . Incluimos documentos que van desde la política ambiental hasta la distribución de impuestos . Asim Zia aborda el tema del diseño de políticas ambientales a través de la cuestión de la conservación frente a los conflictos de valoración del desarrollo en los sistemas ecológicos de Tanzania , Vietnam y Perú . Hector Hugo Caicedo ofrece un enfoque de pensamiento sistémico para la gestión de la salud de la población en los EE . UU ., con recomendaciones específicas para cuidadores , biotecnólogos y creadores de políticas . Pete Barbrook-Johnson , Corey Schimpf y Brian Castellani reflexionan sobre el uso del modelo computacional apropiado para la complejidad de la evaluación de políticas públicas en el Reino Unido . Shigeaki Ogibayashi y Kosei Takashima abordan la estructura del sistema de un modelo basado en agentes responsable de la reproducción de ciclos económicos y del efecto de la reducción de impuestos sobre el PIB . Dante
1 doi : 10.18278 / jpcs . 5.1.1