Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Volume 3, Issue 2 | Page 165

Policy and Complex Systems
more nuanced and more useful for policymakers , the parameters of the model could be expanded to account for more individual details among migrant populations and government policies . For example , more detail for describing migrant skill levels , more nuanced state policies ( e . g ., hybridization between economic and humanitarian policies ), and a better definition and representation for migrant “ vulnerability .” These expanded data elements could facilitate a more robust consideration of migrant motivations and enhance the model representation for government efforts and the resulting ability to detect potential trafficking victims . Greater fidelity in migrant attributes is necessary for a more realistic representation of the victim-centered approach .
Furthermore , several parameters in future iterations will be calibrated to existing data . For example , the current model imposes government immigration quotas . Implementing more precise representations and estimates of Germany ’ s migrant acceptance policies , rates , and limits may yield more representative insights . Similarly , the networks used to propagate perceptions across the agent population are highly stylized . These networks should be explored for a representation more realistic than assuming a preferential attachment network model .
Adding additional jurisdictions would also help us better understand the transnational elements of migration and human trafficking . Representing other governments would allow for a more complete exploration of the various factors that drive migrant perceptions ( e . g ., experiences in source and transit countries ) and recreate the more realistic complexities actual migrants face as they choose where to settle . Geopolitical dynamics could also be more fruitfully explored , such as the effects of closed-border policies in countries like
Hungary on more permissive policies , such as those in Germany .
The authors would like to express their appreciation for feedback on this research from Dr . Rob Axtell and Dr . Qing Tian from the Computational Social Science Program of the College of Science at George Mason University . We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive feedback .
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