Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine: Special Issue 50-4bokBW | Page 67

Disability and rehabilitation in low- and middle-income countries field of PM&R in various plenary and interactive panel sessions, which included: basic principles of rehabilita- tion, evidence-based practice and research methods, disability care planning, capacity building, leadership skills development, role of OT and speech pathologist for different neurological conditions, rehabilitation nur- sing; symptomatic management (spasticity, pain, wound care, etc.) and others. The lead medical team members from the “host” institutions provided information about the local health service and system, including specific challenges faced by the PM&R professionals. During these workshops, participants were divided into 3 panels to ensure that various specialist skill-base was as evenly distributed as possible, and each panel focused on one of the GDAP objectives. These panels were further divided into subgroups based on the specific content of the key GDAP objectives. All subgroups recorded their responses on a form with an overview of the GDAP. Participants in each panel, based on their experience and issues faced in service delivery, discussed their views and perspectives of various challenges and recorded specific barriers/problems and potential facilitators in line with the GDAP. At all times the GDAP was used as a blueprint for discussion and allowed the authors to educate the audience, many of whom were not familiar with the GDAP document (mainly junior doctors, nurses and some allied health professionals). A modified Delphi-consensus method was used for the collective participant opinion. This involved a presentation by one speaker from each group, who presented on behalf of their designated panel, followed by a face-to-face large group discussion providing the opportunity to brainstorm additional and emerging is- sues, and to avoid the dominance of some participants that can occur in nominal group consensus methods. At the end, a formal iterative decision-making and consen- sus process (with ≥ 80% of participants agreeing) was conducted tabulating potential challenges/barriers and facilitators/enablers in implementation of the GDAP. Data collection and analysis During the workshop, participants submitted their responses in writing for each GDAP objective. They were encouraged to document any emerging issues and present these in the large group interactive session. All information was supplemented with audio-recorded data and video-tape during the workshops. The author- facilitators recorded additional information, com