Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine: Special Issue 50-4bokBW | Page 46

348 J . P . Engkasan et al .
in cooperation with the head of clinical services of the Cheras Rehabilitation Hospital ( YMY ) and the Executive Director of SOCSO at Malacca ( HH ). The analysis was supported by a UMvisiting professor with a background in PRM , health policy and management , and expertise in applying the ICF in healthcare , and who serves as advisor to the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine ’ s ( ISPRM ’ s ) liaison committee to WHO ( GS ). The situation analysis involved expert consultations and site visits .
At the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine , UMMC , responsible PRM consultants and rehabilitation professionals gave a structure presentation to the project leaders at this site ( LAL , JPE , SA , GS ) of their services , the numbers of enrolled patients , the workforce , intervention programmes and assessment tools , as well as their current and planned research agenda . The opportunities created by the hospital electronic health information system were discussed with the Deputy Director ( Clinical ) of the UMMC ( Professor Nazirah Hasnan ).
For the situation analysis at the Ministry of Health ( MOH ), the site visits took place at Cheras Rehabilitation Hospital and at the major district hospital at Sungai Buloh . At both locations the services provided , the assessment tools used and quality management and research efforts were presented comprehensively to the hospital leadership and the visiting experts ( JPE , GS , SA ). Information was provided with respect to the current and future possibilities for documentation using an electronic health information system .
For the situation analysis at SOCSO , its executive director ( HH ), and its responsible PRM physician ( OKG ) and rehabilitation manager ( TEW ) presented the SOCSO ’ s mission and presented and discussed its vocational rehabilitation programme , the current state of implementation of the ICF and assessment tools and the electronic health record system with the expert team ( JPE , SA , GS ).
RESULTS Academic centres
The UMMC is currently the only 1 of 5 academic medical centres in Malaysia that offers comprehensive rehabilitation services . Until now , the UMMC has also been the only training centre for PRM specialists in Malaysia ; in 2018 the University Technology MARA ( UiTM ) will also develop rehabilitation services and a PRM trainee programme . The services at UMMC are thus representative of the services provided by academic centres under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia . These services are summarized in Table I , and a detailed description is available in Table SII 1 .
It was found that all rehabilitation professionals use standardized data collection tools , including clinical tests , expert assessments ( e . g . the modified Barthel index ( 20 )) and questionnaires ( e . g . SF36 ( 21 ) or KOOS ( 22 )). While the teams are well acquainted with these data collection tools , there is currently no standardized documentation system based on the ICF or standardized timepoints with few exceptions .
The electronic health record system allows for the addition of forms accepted as standards by the hospital administration . Also , scoring algorithms can be implemented , allowing for immediate access to scores calculated based on data entered on a form .
Ministry of Health
Under the auspices of the MOH there is a single comprehensive free-standing rehabilitation facility ; the Cheras Rehabilitation Hospital . It serves as a reference centre for rehabilitation services provided at state and district hospitals by the MOH . Table I gives an overview of the organization of health services provided by the MOH . In addition to the rehabilitation services provided at Cheras
Table I . Overview of rehabilitation services in Malaysia identified in the
situation analysis . They include the services provided by the University Malaya
Medical Center ( UMMC ), the Ministry of Health ( MOH ) at its only freestanding
rehabilitation hospital at Cheras , as well as at its 16 state and major district
hospitals , other district hospital , and health clinics , and by the Social Security
Organisation ( SOCSO ) at its Malacca facility
Partner institution
Rehabilitation services
Rehabilitation in acute care
General post-acute rehabilitation Specialized post-acute rehabilitation
General outpatient rehabilitation Specialized outpatient rehabilitation
MOH Cheras rehabilitation
Specialized post-acute rehabilitation
Specialized outpatient rehabilitation
State hospitals and
Rehabilitation in acute care
major district hospitals
General post-acute rehabilitation
General outpatient rehabilitation
Other district hospital
Rehabilitation in acute care
General outpatient rehabilitation
Health clinic ( Level 1 )
Primary care
Rehabilitation in primary care
Work integration
Vocational rehabilitation
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