Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine: Special Issue 50-4bokBW | Page 33

Developing a National Disability, Health and Rehabilitation Plan for Egyp tians. The system covers all diseases, and the contribution, or exemption from contribution, of citizens is regulated by law according to their income levels (…) • The state is committed to improving the doctors, nursing staff and workers in the health sector.” In order to achieve these goals, health expenditure should be doubled and increase to 3% of GDP. The rights of persons with disability are guaranteed in Article 81 of the constitution: “The state is committed to ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities and dwarves [sic], in all aspects; health, economic, social, cultural, entertainment, sports and education, and provide job opportunities for them, with the allocation of a percentage of jobs to persons with disability, and also is committed to the creation of enabling public facilities and environment surrounding them (…)”. Main findings from site visits In summary, the main findings from site visits were: • Data on the prevalence of disability are incon- clusive. Such data do not agree with internatio- nal data-sets (8). This may be due to the method of data collection, starting with the understan- ding or definition of disability (the survey appears to concentrate on congenital disability and neglect acquired disability), the method of data collection (interviews in family homes) and/or cultural or societal attitudes (e.g. the trend to hide disability in public). Data on the prevalence and incidence of diseases frequently causing disabilities is very scarce; however, the few available data suggest a high and unmet need for health-related rehabilitation. • In the MOHP, a single person is responsible for disability issues She works in the integra- ted care and nursing sector and is responsible only for children with special needs. No cross- sectional strategy to deal with disability issues and promote rehabilitation was seen. A strong sector with the power to make decisions ap- pears to be lacking. • Some rehabilitation services (e.g. assistive devices) are delivered under the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Coordina- tion with rehabilitation professionals is weak and technical standards are lacking. This leads to insufficient use of such devices, which may impact on the activities and participation of persons with disability. 335 • Health-related rehabilitation services under the direction of the MOHP exist in hospitals and primary healt hcare centres. In addition, there are some health-related rehabilitation services outside MOHP responsibility. Many of these services do not reach international standards in terms of human resources and technical equipment. Also, there appears to be no com- prehensive plan on the need for rehabilitation services along the continuum of care and across levels of healthcare and for all ages (e.g. no post-acute rehabilitation services exist and highly specialized rehabilitation services do not belong to the MOHP). • Strong fragmentation of the health system is also very obvious in health-related rehabi- litation services. This is an important factor causing inequities and gaps in health-related rehabilitation services. • In Egypt, there is an existing workforce of rehabilitation professionals (MDs with specia- lization in physical medicine, rheumatology, and rehabilitation, physiotherapists, and speech and language therapists). However, other pro- fessions either do not exist (e.g. occupational therapists, prosthetist and orthotists), or do not have accreditation according to international standards. Some community workers have been trained by NGOs; however, there is no systematic nationwide training programme. Another important issue is the lack of collabo- ration between existing rehabilitation profes- sions. A synergistic team-oriented philosophy of collaboration of rehabilitation professionals at international standard is lacking in Egypt. • Egypt has a health insurance system; however, it is highly segmented and does not cover all population groups. Gaps in health insurance, in particular, concern children who are not going to school and other vulnerable groups. It can be assumed that large groups of persons with disability are not included in the health insurance system. Recommendations Preliminary recommendations were developed following evaluation of the information collec- ted. These recommendations were discussed in a stakeholder dialogue (12) with 20 representatives of the following organizations: Hannover Medical School (technical advisor), Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Health Insurance Head Office, the National Council of Disability Affairs, National Society of Rheuma- J Rehabil Med 50, 2018