Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine: Special Issue 50-4bokBW | Page 26
C. Gutenbrunner and B. Nugraha
tion engineer, psychotherapy, social work).
C. Information systems on rehabilitation servi-
ces (including implementation of knowledge
of rehabilitation service into curricula of all
health professionals, information to health-
care providers, information to the public).
D. Access to essential treatments and rehabilita-
tion interventions (provision of and access to
rehabilitation treatments and interventions,
such as medication, physiotherapy and other
physical treatments, occupational therapy,
psychotherapy, assistive devices and others).
E. Financing (integration of rehabilitation
services in health service financing, e.g.
national health system, health insurance,
and coverage of cost as other elements of
universal health coverage).
F. Leadership and governance in disability and
rehabilitation issues (understanding and
definition of disability at national level, laws
on disability and rehabilitation, responsibili-
ties on rehabilitation in Ministry of Health,
communication and coordination between
Based on these principles, the the amount of
information required has been determined.
Identification of information needed
As described above, the checklist was developed
for assessing existing rehabilitation services in
health systems. The checklist includes the fol-
lowing 5 main domains:
A. Country profile information
B. Information about the health system.
C. Information about disability and rehabilita-
D. Information about national policies, laws,
and responsibilities in the area of disability
and rehabilitation
E. Information about relevant non-governme-
ntal stakeholders
These domains should include the following
categories of information outlined below.
A. Country profile information. This domain has
3 subdomains:
a. Country profile/characteristics: number of
population, socio-economic factors, and
infrastructure are relevant factors in order
to learn about the situation of the country.
In addition to the number of population size
and gross domestic product (GDP), informa-
tion will be collected about the proportion of
GDP spending on health and the situation
regarding the country’s infrastructure.
b. Cultural background: it is already known
that language, ethnicity, belief/religion, and
social attitudes are relevant factors related
to cultural competencies. These factors are
relevant to reduce disparities in health service
delivery (13, 14).
c. Epidemiology: epidemiological data are ne-
cessary to gain an overview of the situation
related to the health condition of the country,
including risk factors, prevalence and inci-
dence of diseases and causes of death. More
specifically, prevalence of disability caused
by health conditions, trauma and injury are
also important.
i. Risk factors, prevalence and incidence
of diseases, causes of deaths;
ii. prevalence and incidence of disability
caused by health conditions (including
mental disease and congenital disor-
iii. incidence of disability caused by trauma
and injury (number of traffic accidents,
work accidents, private accidents, and
victims of violence and type of injury);
iv. information on the need for rehabilita-
tion (including assistive devices) and
number (percentage) of persons in need
receiving rehabilitation services.
B. Information about the health system. All of the
6 health system building blocks need to harmoni-
ze effectively and efficiently in order to attain the
overall goal of improved health, responsiveness,
social and financial risk protection, and outcome.
The fol