Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-9 | Page 55

Short ICF-based measures in subacute stroke Table IV. Spearman’s correlation coefficients of sum scores of the measures used (n  = 195, only in World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) patient n  = 167) Discharge 24-h NIHSS NIHSS 24-h NIHSS admission WHODAS patient sum Proxy sum WHO Minimal Generic Set mRS 0.63 0.30 0.44 0.55 0.52 Discharge/admission Admission WHODAS NIHSS patient sum WHODAS proxy sum WHO Minimal Generic Set 0.63 0.44 0.50 0.62 0.55 0.64 0.60 0.72 0.42 0.50 0.64 0.69 0.30 0.42 0.62 0.60 0.49 0.72 0.67 0.79 mRS FIM total FIM motor FIM cognitive 0.52 0.69 0.49 0.67 0.79 –0.58 –0.64/–0.77 –0.51 –0.70 –0.82 –0.77 –0.55 –0.63/–0.75 –0.52 –0.70 –0.81 –0.77 –0.51 –0.49/–0.51 –0.31 –0.53 –0.62 –0.55 All correlations were significant at the level of p  < 0.001. NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; mRS: modified Rankin scale; FIM: Functional Independence Measure; WHO: World Health Organization. cant others rated standing (wK=0.39, 95% CI 0.22–0.55), and working ability (wK=0.26, 95% CI 0.09–0.44) more impaired than the patients; otherwise we did not find any systematic differences in the levels of ratings by patients and proxies in different severity groups. The Spearman’s correlation coefficients between different measures (WHODAS, the WHO Minimal Ge- neric Set, NIHSS, FIM and mRS) were mostly strong to very strong, except for patient-rated WHODAS and NIHSS, or FIM cognitive sub-score (Table IV). The 6 WHODAS life domains’ and the 2 components´ corre- lations with sum scores of other measures were mostly strong (Table V). Cronbach’s alpha value for reliability of the sum scores of patient-rated WHODAS, proxy- rated WHODAS, and physician-rated WHO Minimal Generic Set were 0.88, 0.93 and 0.85, respectively. DISCUSSION 679 This study compared the shortest generic ICF-based measures of functioning (the 12-item WHODAS 2.0 and the WHO Minimal Generic Set of domains of fun- ctioning and health) with traditionally used measures of dependence and severity of stroke. The results support the utility of both generic measures in subacute stroke rehabilitants. The degree of impairment was found to increase from mild to severe stroke. Both short measures were strongly associated with conventional measures of stroke severity and dependence. Patient and proxy WHODAS ratings also mostly correlated well with each other, better in activities such as mobi- lity, household tasks and self-care than in participation, relationships and cognition. In severe stroke, working ability was rated more impaired according to signifi- cant others and a physician than according to patients themselves. The relationship between the stroke severity scale NIHSS and different dependence measures has been poorly understood (11). The results of the current study, which show a strong inverse relationship between NIHSS and FIM scores, are in line with a recent study of patients with acute stroke (8). In previous stroke tri- als, NIHSS score has also been associated with scores of dependence measures, such as BI and mRS, as well as the Glasgow Outcome Scale at 90 days (11, 32). In the same way, the current study found clear correlations between different outcome measures in subacute phase of stroke. In addition to cross-sectional correlations, a clear relationship was found between acute phase NIHSS and other outcome measures 2–3 months later: dependence measures FIM and mRS, but also the fun- ctioning measures WHODAS and the WHO Minimal Generic Set ratings. These results suggest that using the shortest form of WHODAS is in agreement with other Table V. Spearman correlation coefficients between patient (n  = 167) and proxy (n  = 195) World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) domains and components and sum scores of the other measures used Discharge 24-h NIHSS WHODAS domains (patient/proxy) Understanding and communicating 0.20*/0.33 Getting around 0.26***/0.37 Self-care Getting along with people Life activities Participation in society WHODAS components Activities Participation Admission NIHSS FIM total FIM motor FIM cognitive mRS WHO Minimal Generic Set –0.32/–0.45 0.14 a /0.24*** –0.20*/–0.43 –0.11 a /–0.39 0.24**/0.43 0.45/0.50 –0.20*/–0.60 –0.66/–0.78 –0.60/–0.63 –0.67/–0.82 –0.10 a /–0.33 –0.33/–0.42 0.16*/0.37 0.40/0.44 0.53/0.60 0.55/0.69 0.63/0.75 0.61/0.70 0.71/0.79 0.14 a /0.37 0.21**/0.48 0.30/0.37 0.11 a /0.35 0.33/0.58 0.27***/0.39 –0.15 a /–0.41 –0.40/–0.71 –0.29/–0.53 –0.09 a /–0.35 –0.47/–0.73 –0.25**/–0.52 –0.33/–0.49 –0.09a/–0.47 –0.26***/–0.44 0.09 a /0.41 0.41/0.69 0.27***/0.51 0.11 a /0.43 0.49/0.73 0.41/0.54 0.39/0.48 0.26***/0.48 0.46/0.52 0.29***/0.51 –0.59/–0.74 –0.32/–0.63 –0.61/–0.78 –0.32/–0.61 –0.28***/–0.45 –0.21**/–0.53 0.58/0.72 0.33/0.60 0.66/0.76 0.45/0.65 a Not significant. *p  < 0.05, **p  < 0.01, ***p  < 0.001, otherwise p  < 0.0001. NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; FIM: Functional Independence Measure; mRS: modified Rankin Scale; WHO: World Health Organization. J Rehabil Med 51, 2019