Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-9 | Page 50

B. Brouns et al. Appendix 1. cont. Level Factor Organizational context Organization of care Individual patient Individual Professional Economic and political context Statements Setting up goals of the rehabilitation therapy with the healthcare professionals Evaluating goals of the rehabilitation therapy with the healthcare professionals Possibility for the healthcare professionals to check if exercises are performed The healthcare professional contacts the patients if he/she exercises too little The healthcare professional watches video to assess if exercises are performed correctly at home Discussing training results with the healthcare professional during a consultation The use of eRehabilitation is supported by the healthcare professionals Support from family members (informal caregivers) in case of problems eRehabilitation is used by the entire multidisciplinary team I feel supported from within the organization to use eRehabilitation The implementation of eRehabilitation coincides with implementation of other ICT projects Ambassadors (forerunners) in the form of direct colleagues who can answer questions about eRehabilitation ICT-problems are solved directly Resources There is no need to download special programs to use eRehabilitation Problems with the internet connection are expected Problems with the software of eRehabilitation Problems with the devices on which eRehabilitation is used Not enough free space at home to practice (2 × 2 m) Time I have sufficient time to (learn to how to) use eRehabilitation Motivation to change eRehabilitation offers variation in exercises Exercises in which it is possible to win or get points (serious games) eRehabilitation contributes to the therapy adherence I/my partner/my patient wants to use eRehabilitation Reduced travel time since eRehabilitation offers the possible to exercise at home eRehabilitation offers a way to independently continue therapy after discharge Training with eRehabilitation has a positive influence on recovery I can ask my healthcare professionals questions about my training results online eRehabilitation offers an easy way to contact a professional again after discharge Motivation not to Less contact between patients because they practice at home more often change Less direct contact (face-to-face) between patients and healthcare professionals I give patients false hope that the continuation of exercising is useful while it is not Less therapy from healthcare professionals in the rehabilitation centre There is too little evidence that eRehabilitation can promote recovery after a stroke Know-ledge I lack knowledge about the use of eRehabilitation Skill I have insufficient skills to use eRehabilitation Patient characteristics The patient is/I am too tired The patient has/I have memory problems The patient has/I have cognitive problems The patient is/I am over-stimulated The patient has/I have aphasia The patient experiences/I experience stress The patient is/I am paralysed The patient has/I have problems with vision The patient has/I have trouble asking for help in case of problems Motivation to change Possibility to see what activities a patient has done during a day (including time) Insight in how much a patient has trained Insight in what a patient has trained The training results can be viewed by a patient independently The results of the patient can be compared with the results of other stroke patients Insight in the patient achieving set goals Motivation not to My therapy is replaced by eRehabilitation change I have less direct contact (face-to-face) with my patient Time for using eRehabilitation is at the expense of therapy time with the patient Financial arrangements The use of eRehabilitation is not reimbursed by health insurance P: patient; IC: informal caregiver; HCP: healthcare professional; ns: not shown. 674 P IC HCP 17 18 50 52 75 10 27 46 ns ns ns 26 23 51 48 72 8 9 17 ns ns ns 34 36 73 83 64 41 ns ns 50 32 74 ns 13 19 92 93 94 95 23 9 64 ns ns 40 5 1 33 4 89 83 ns 81 82 90 84 61 80 79 70 86 78 88 87 91 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 12 36 97 96 92 98 24 10 75 ns ns 57 2 3 40 4 88 81 ns 84 90 94 91 77 85 86 82 80 78 93 89 95 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 54 7 33 81 76 79 ns 21 25 60 8 11 51 15 2 70 65 43 ns 61 ns 82 ns ns ns ns 85 ns 87 ns 88 80 ns 45 53 57 49 84 37 63 71 46 76 83 59