Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-8 | Page 4

540 C. Minns Lowe et al. genetic (15) or endocrine disorders, such as diabetes and thyroid problems that may become more prevalent at this time (11). FS has been described to occur in 3 transitionary phases: increasing pain and progressive stiffness, ongoing stiffness and decreasing pain, and a resolution phase, in which the remaining pain settles, and movement improves (2, 8, 16). Lewis (17) sug- gested a simplified method of classification; a pain greater than stiffness phase and a stiffness greater than pain phase. When there is no known reason for onset, such as following surgery, or if the condition is not associated with comorbidities, the term primary (or alternatively idiopathic) FS is recommended (18). Whether FS is a self-limiting condition that may do well without intervention (7) or whether resolution re- quires treatment remains unclear (19). A retrospective study suggests that a “no treatment” option may be con- sidered (20): 94% of people (n  =  83, mean time after onset = 9 years) with FS, recovered to normal levels of function and motion without treatment. Management options for FS broadly fall into 3 categories; advice, support and empathy, while allowing natural history to take its course (wait and watch); more formal non- surgical management; and surgical intervention. A comprehensive, high-quality systematic review of non-surgical management for people with FS con- cluded that data from studies with a low risk of bias were sparse (21). The following conclusions were drawn from a minority of studies deemed to be of low risk of bias (21): possible short-term benefit from ad- ding a single intra-articular steroid injection to home exercise for patients with primary FS of less than 6 months’ duration, adding physiotherapy (including mobilization in 8–10 sessions over 4 weeks) to a single steroid injection, adding shortwave diathermy (SWD) to passive mobilization and home exercise (for some outcomes only), and high-grade mobilization may be more effective than low-grade mobilization in a popu- lation of patients who have already had physiotherapy and/or steroid injection (for some outcomes). Recommendations to classify FS into diagnostic sub- categories have been made, with the aim of developing more homogeneous research investigations and better understanding of whether differences in pathogenesis and management exist within the different subgroups (17). The term primary or idiopathic FS appears to be the most common presentation and is the diagnostic category when there is no identifiable reason for onset. Secondary FS is used when there is an identifiable potential cause preceding the onset of the condition. Secondary systemic FS describes FS in the presence of diabetes. When the condition is preceded by a humeral or clavicular fracture, a chest wall tumour, cervical radiculopathy, ipsilateral breast surgery or cerebrovascular accident, the diagnostic label secondary extrinsic FS has been suggested. FS oc- curring post-surgery is termed iatrogenic FS. The current review aims to update the existing review (21) and evaluate the clinical effectiveness of non-surgical management interventions focussing on primary or idiopathic FS, in terms of pain, range of shoulder joint movement, self-reported function and disability, quality of life, recovery time, return to work and recreation and adverse events. METHODS This review was carried out following recommended advice from the Cochrane Handbook, reported according to the PRIS- MA statement (22) and registered in advance with PROSPERO (reference number: CRD42015013728). Population Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) containing participants with primary (idiopathic) FS or its synonyms, such as adhesive capsulitis, were included. FS in people with diabetes has been considered as both primary and secondary. For this review, unlike Maund et al. (21), but in agreement with a consensus on defining the subcategories of FS (18), people with diabetes were considered to have systemic secondary FS and these studies were excluded. Participants with other non-idiopathic or secondary causes of FS (for example trauma or surgery), as well as participants with symptoms indicating an alternative source of shoulder pain (for example, referred pain, paraesthesia, instability, rotator cuff tendinopathy) were excluded. Studies with participants with general shoulder symptoms (shoulder pain or symptoms or non-specific shoulder pain) were not in- cluded. Studies needed to state they were RCTs; studies stating participants were “divided”’ or “assigned”’ to groups were not assumed to be RCTs and were not included. Non-surgical interventions Physiotherapy and rehabilitative interventions, distension, oral medications, and injection procedures were included. Surgical procedures, such as arthroscopic and open capsular releases, were excluded. Comparators Trials comparing an intervention and control group, or, com- paring 2 of the included interventions were included. Trials comparing an intervention, a further intervention outside of the review and a control were included only if the data could be extracted for the intervention and control arms. Outcomes Outcomes were: adverse events, pain, range of shoulder joint motion, self-reported function and disability, strength, quality of life, recovery time to recreation and return to work. Data sources and search strategy Electronic searches were initially conducted in December 2014 by 2 independent reviewers (EB, NDB) and subsequently upda- ted by 2 independent reviewers between November 2016 and