Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine VOL. 51. NO. 5 MAY 2019
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine is an international peer-review journal published in English with ten regular issues per year. It is owned by a Swedish nonprofit organi-
zation: Foundation for Rehabilitation Information. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine was former called Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, which was
founded by Olle Höök in 1968. The name was changed to Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine in 2001.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine aims to be a leading worldwide forum for research in physical and rehabilitation medicine, aiming to increase knowledge in evidence-
based clinical rehabilitation. Contributions from all parts of the world and from different professions in rehabilitation are encouraged. Original articles, Reviews (including
Educational reviews), Special reports, Short communications, Case reports, and Letters to the Editor are published. Clinical studies on rehabilitation in various patients
groups, within neurological and musculoskeletal as well as in other relevant rehabilitation areas, reports on physical and behavioural treatment methodology, including
rehabilitation technology, development and analysis of methodology for outcome measurements, epidemiological studies on disability in relation to rehabilitation, and
studies on vocational and socio-medical aspects of rehabilitation will be considered for publication. The journal emphasizes the need for randomized controlled studies of
various rehabilitation interventions, the use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a background for reports when appropriate,
and the use of modern psychometric methodology in treating and reporting data from ordinal scales.
Kristian Borg, Stockholm, Sweden
Henk Stam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Past Editor-in-Chief
Bengt H. Sjölund, Malmö, Sweden
Associate Editors
Ian Cameron, Sydney, Australia
Franco Franchignoni, Veruno, Italy
Ayse Küçükdeveci, Ankara, Turkey
Jianan Li, Nanjing, China
Klaas Postema, Groningen, The Netherlands
Cecilie Røe, Oslo, Norway
Gerold Stucki, Nottwil, Switzerland
Britt-Marie Stålnacke, Umeå, Sweden
Alan Tennant, Nottwil, Switzerland
Guy Vanderstraeten, Gent, Belgium
Honorary Editor
Gunnar Grimby, Göteborg, Sweden
Editorial Board
Olavi Airaksinen, Kuopio, Finland
Masami Akai, Saitama, Japan
John R. Bach, Newark, USA
Fin Biering-Sørensen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jörgen Borg, Stockholm, Sweden
Helena Burger, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Anne Chamberlain, Leeds, United Kingdom
Andrea Cheville, Rochester, USA
Richard Crevenna, Vienna, Austria
Alain Delarque, Marseilles, France
Jan Ekholm, Stockholm, Sweden
Andrea Furlan, Toronto, Canada
Björn Gerdle, Linköping, Sweden
Martin Grabois, Houston, USA
Christoph Gutenbrunner, Hannover, Germany
Marta Imamura, São Paulo, Brasil
Fary Khan, Melbourne, Australia
Yun-Hee Kim, Seoul, Korea
Gert Kwakkel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jan Lexell, Lund, Sweden
Meigen Liu, Tokyo, Japan
Antii Malmivaara, Helsinki, Finland
Nancy Mayo, Montreal, Canada
Jean-Michel Mazaux, Bordeaux, France
Frans Nollet, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Levent Özçakar, Ankara, Turkey
Chang-il Park, Seoul, Korea
Michael Quittan, Vienna, Austria
Carol Richards, Quebec, Canada
Nicola Smania, Verona, Italy
Johan Stanghelle, Oslo, Norway
Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Göteborg, Sweden
Simon F.T. Tang, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
Jean-Louis Thonnard, Bruxelles, Belgium
Leanne Togher, Sydney, Australia
Lynne Turner-Stokes, London, United Kingdom
Rita van den Berg-Emons, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Jean-Michel Viton, Marseilles, France
Anthony B. Ward, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom
Günes Yavuzer, Istanbul, Turkey
Alain Yelnik, Paris, France
Contact persons for the organizations:
International Society of Physical Rehabilitation
Medicine (ISPRM): Franco Franchignoni, Veruno, Italy
UEMS European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medi-
cine: Rolf Frischknecht, Lausanne, Switzerland
European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine: Guy Vander-
straeten, Gent, Belgium
European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine:
Elena Milkova Ilieva, Plovdiv, Bulgaria and Calogero Foti,
Rome, Italy
Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation: Colleen O’Connell, Fredericton, New
Brunswick, Canada
Asia Oceania Society of Physical and Rehabiliation Medicine:
Simon F.T. Tang, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
Baltic and North Sea Forum for Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine: Christoph Gutenbrunner, Hannover, Germany
All correspondence concerning manuscripts, editorial matters and subscription should be addressed to:
Editorial Manager: Mrs Agneta Andersson,
Editorial assistant: Åsa Lundell, [email protected][email protected]
For postal address: see inside back cover
Publication information: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN 1650-1977) volume 49 comprises ten issues published in January, February, March,
April, May, June, July, September, October and November.
Indexing: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine is indexed in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Excerpta Medica/EMBASE, Biological Abstracts, Cur-
rent Contents/Clinical Practice, Allied and Alternative Medicine Database (AMED), Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts, Ergonomic
Abstracts, Psychological Abstracts PsycINFO, PSYCLIT DATABASE, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL),
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Exceptional Child Education Resources, Periodicals Scanned and Abstracted: Life Sciences
Collection, Faxon Finder, Focus On Sports Science & Medicine, Research Alert, SCISEARCH, SportSearch.