Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-4inkOmslag | Page 19
Grip strength after stroke
Fig 5. Recovery of sustainability of grip force during 12 s after maximum force for dynamometer (A) and key grip pinchmeter (B) during the
first year after stroke. Sustainability of grip force was measured at 2, 4, 28, 30 and 54 weeks after stroke. Values are mean and error bars 95%
confidence interval (95% CI). Sustainability of force is expressed as percentage of initial force at maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Closed
circles represent the non-affected side and open circles the affected side.
Table II shows the mean difference between af-
fected and non-affected side for all outcome measures
from W2 to W28 and W2 to W54. The difference in
maximum grip force (power position 2) between the
unaffected and affected sides was –85 N (95% CI –34
to –136) at 2 weeks compared with 28 weeks after
stroke. The corresponding difference for rate of force
development was –194 N/s (95% CI –93 to –295)
while sustainability of grip force improved by 23%
(95% CI 7˗39).
J Rehabil Med 51, 2019