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Appendix 1. PubMed search strategy
#1: “motor activity” [Mesh:NoExp] OR “motor activity” OR “physical activity”
OR exercise [Mesh:NoExp] OR exercise OR “exercise intensity” OR activity OR
training OR swimming [Mesh:NoExp] OR swimming OR running [Mesh:NoExp]
OR running OR walking [Mesh:NoExp] OR walking OR sedentary OR ‘’physical
behaviour’’ OR movement OR stepcount* OR ‘’step count*’’
#2: feedback [Mesh:NoExp] OR “feedback, Psychological” [Mesh:NoExp] OR
“feedback, Physiological” [Mesh:NoExp] OR feedback OR motivat*
#3: accelerometry [Mesh:NoExp] OR accelero* OR pedomet* OR “cell
phones”[Mesh:NoExp] OR ‘’cell phones’’ OR smartphone OR telephone OR
“mobile phone” OR monitor* OR microcomputer OR ambulatory OR ambulant
OR device OR equipment OR sensor OR gps OR tracking OR stepcount* OR
‘’step count*’’
#4: “Randomized Controlled Trial” [Publication Type] OR “Randomized Controlled
Trials as Topic”[Mesh] OR ‘’randomized controlled trial’’ OR RCT
Objective feedback on physical activity in healthcare interventions
J Rehabil Med 51, 2019