Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-2 | Page 40

Body-weight supported locomotor training in incomplete SCI without independent standing ability (20). Aerobic capacity was tested on an arm crank ergometer (Lode Angio, Groningen, the Netherlands) and breath-by- breath spirometer (Vmax 220 Sensormedics Corp., USA): stepwise, graded exercise until exhaustion. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2max ) (l/min) was recor- ded by a computerized standard open-circuit techni- que breath-by-breath spirometer. 115 Prescreening through the patients registries (n= 115). Invitation to join the study (n=70). 37 subjects returned written informed consent form. Enrollment Assessed for eligibility (n= 29) Excluded (n=9) Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=9) Declined to participate (n=0 ) Randomized (n=20) Statistical analysis Sample size. It was estimated that 30 subjects (15 subjects in each group) were required to obtain a Allocation statistical power of 0.80 with alpha error 0.05 for Allocated to intervention BWSLT with Allocated to control (n=10) primary outcomes. The calculations were based on manual assistance (n= 10) the expected differences between intervention and Follow-Up control groups obtained from primarily our own Drop-out (n=1) Drop-out (n=1) pilot study (unpublished) and, to a lesser degree, on Due to personal reasons Due to personal reasons published literature (15, 21). The expected training improvements, e.g. differences in change between Analysis the intervention and control groups, were 0.5 m/s Analysed (n=9) Analysed (n=9) (SD 0.6) in 10MWT, 55 m (SD 40) in 6MWT, and 4 wheelchair dependent subjects* 2 wheelchair dependent subjects 15 points (SD 7) in BBS. 5 wheelchair independent or combine users 7 wheelchair independent or combine users The main analysis compared mean or median *Two of these were able to stand and take 1 step and thus changes from baseline to final evaluation. Comparison participated in the walking tests. of baseline values between the 2 groups was done Fig. 1. CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) flow diagram of using χ 2 test/Fisher exact test for categorical vari- participants. ables and independent samples t-test (2-tailed test with significance level p < 0.05). For non-normally distributed data, the Mann–Whitney test was used. Two subjects, one from each group, dropped out for Paired samples t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to personal reasons after 1 and 18 weeks, respectively. analyse change within groups. The difference in change between Thus, 9 subjects from each group were available for the 2 groups was assessed using linear regression. The data was post-analyses. analysed with the 23 rd version of SPSS for Windows (IBM SPSS, The training intervention was well tolerated with no Armonk, NY, USA). Because of low numbers, the intervention and control groups were imbalanced on several parameters at adverse events, and there were only minor side-effects, baseline. Therefore, multivariable analyses adjusting for a priori such as superficial abrasions, which did not interfere selected variables potentially related to treatment effect were with the regular training programme. Baseline data 1 also carried out (Table SI ). RESULTS As shown in Fig. 1, only 20 of the planned 30 study subjects were recruited within a reasonable timeframe. Based on search of the medical records from the 3 SCI units in Norway, 115 potential participants were iden- tified based on injury type, time of injury, functional level and age. In addition, some subjects contacted project workers directly as a result of information they had obtained from advertisement campaigns. These subjects were pre-screened for eligibility through a phone call. A total of 70 subjects who met the inclusion criteria, were invited to join the study and, of these, 37 returned the written consent form. Eight of the 37 did not attend the clinical pre-screening, leaving 29 subjects who completed the full screening procedure at Sunnaas Hospital. However, nine subjects did not meet the in- clusion criteria and thus 20 subjects were randomized 1 on the study subjects are shown in Table I. Some dif- ferences and potential imbalances in baseline levels of outcome variables are seen between the groups in strength, distance covered, walking speed, balance and aerobic capacity (Table II). Detailed BWSLT data were recorded daily for each person in the intervention group, and are summarized in Tables III and IV. In each group, 2 subjects with AIS grade C (22%) were unable to walk at baseline, and did not gain independent walking post-intervention. Thus, only 7 subjects in each group, those with some ambulatory function at baseline, were available for post-intervention testing of walking speed (10MWT) and distance covered (6MWT). Fig. S1 1 shows individual changes in walking speed (10MWT) and distance covered (6MWT) in each group. Both groups walked faster (10MWT) at post-test. However, the difference between the 2 groups was small (0.1 m/s (95% CI –0.2, 0.4)), and not statistically significant. Endurance (distance walked), as measured by the 6MWT, improved approximately the same amount in both groups; the standard deviations were very large J Rehabil Med 51, 2019