G. Grimby
symposia, on topics such as cardiac rehabilitation and
rehabilitation after head injury, or collected articles on
a special theme, such as physical exercise and training.
This was probably, to a large extent, based on the con-
tacts of the Editor, Olle Höök, and his interest in these
areas. It is not easy to start a new scientific journal, and
these efforts no doubt had a valuable impact on the first
issues of the journal. The other published articles were
predominantly by Swedish authors, for example those
concerning physical training and respiratory problems
after spinal cord injury.
It is notable that articles on stroke were not as com-
mon in the first years of SJRM as in recent issues of
JRM. However, other types of brain injury were already
a common topic in the first issues, due to the publica-
tion of articles from a symposium on rehabilitation after
head injury. Articles on cardiac rehabilitation were more
common in the early issues than in recent issues. Articles
on general rehabilitation and organizational topics were
also more common during the early years of the journal.
1. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. A new
Scandinavian journal of medicine. Scand J Rehabil Med
1969; 1: 1–3.
2. Höök O. Medical rehabilitation. Scand J Rehabil Med 1969;
1: 4–6.
3. Grimby G. Historic perspectives on the development of
physical and rehabilitation medicine and Journal of Re-
habilitation Medicine. J Rehabil Med 2020; 52: in press.
4. Bäcklund L, Nordgren B: Physical work capacity and mus-
cular strength in patients undergoing rehabilitation. Scand
J Rehabil Med 1969; 1: 7–10.
5. Grimby G, Häggendal, E, Sanne H. An ergometric study
at a vocational assessment unit. Scand J Rehabil Med
1969; 1: 11–13.
6. Adolfsson G. Rehabilitation and convalescence after sur-
gery. Scand J Rehab Med 1969; 1: 14–15.
7. Cronholm B, Hådell G, Lundgren K-D. The prognostic value of
vocational assessment. Scand J Rehabil Med 1969; 1: 20–25.
8. Hagbarth K-E, Eklund G. The muscle vibrator – a useful
tool in neurological therapeutic work. Scand J Rehabil Med
1969; 1: 26–34.
9. Eklund G, Steen M. Muscle vibration therapy in children
with cerebral palsy. Scand J Rehab Med 1969; 1: 35–37.
10. Fisher S. Letter to the Editor. Scand J Rehabil Med 1970;
2: 47.
11. Grimby G. Overview of articles in early volumes of SJRM.
J Rehabil Med 2020; 52 in press.
12. Fugl-Meyer AR. On the ventilatory function in spinal cord
transection. Thesis. Gothenburg: University of Gothen-
burg; 1972.
13. The Editor. International symposium on rehabilitation in
head injury, Göteborg 1971. Scand J Rehabil Med 1972;
4: 1.
14. Walker AE. Summary for the international symposium on
rehabilitation in head injury. Scand J Rehabil Med 1972;
4: 154–156.
50 years