Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-11 | Page 50

864 L. V. Festvåg et al. Table III. Physical characteristics, health-related symptoms and use of technical aids Age at onset of polio, years (n  = 33/32/1,215), mean (SD) Hospitalized acute phase (n  = 30/30/1,270), % Acute moderate/complete paresis, % Legs/hips (n  = 31/29/1,145) Arms/shoulders (n  = 23/25/1,030) Respiratory muscles (some/great) (n  = 21/22/943) Present moderate/complete paresis, % Legs/hips (n  = 29/32/1,151) Arms/shoulders (n  = 23/25/1,030) Respiratory muscles (some/great) (n  = 21/22/943) Current use of technical aids a , % Electrical wheelchair (n  = 25/32/1,023) Manual wheelchair (n  = 21/23/996) Assistive aids for hands/arms (n  = 20/26/985) Respiratory aid (n  = 17/32/980) Need for help with personal hygiene (n  = 26/24/1,099), % Non-western immigrant Western immigrant polio group (n  = 34) polio group (n  = 32) Native Norwegian polio group n  = 1,342) p-value 2.8 (2.1) 30.0 5.1 (1.3) 60.0 6.2 (5.8) 61.7 0.021 0.002 82.8 33.3 8.3 57.1 38.1 5.9 69.8 42.1 10.8 0.109 0.713 0.781 72.4 14.3 0 28.6 8.7 0 31.5 13.1 2.9 0.000 0.813 0.570 72.0 57.1 15.0 0 11.5 26.1 27.3 12.0 13.0 4.2 31.4 28.3 17.4 14.5 9.5 0.000 0.016 0.753 0.233 0.632 SD: standard deviation. Numbers of respondents (n) are given for each variable. a (when needed). or complete paresis in the hips and legs in 72% of the non-Western immigrant group, compared with 29% of the Western immigrant group and 32% of the native Norwegian group. A higher number in the non-Western group also reported paresis in the legs in the acute phase (Table III). More than 90% in all 3 groups reported new muscu- lar weakness and loss of muscle volume. New muscular weakness was reported more often by women than by men. It was reported to occur at a mean age of 27 years in the non-Western immigrant group vs 48 and 46 years in the Western immigrant and Norwegian polio groups, respectively. In the non-Western immigrant group, 79% (vs 100% and 93% in the Western immigrant­ and Norwegian polio groups, respectively) reported that they thought they had post-polio syndrome. This occurred at the mean age of 34 years, in contrast to 53 and 48 years in the other 2 groups. In the non-Western immigrant group, 72% reported using a powered wheelchair, compared with 26% and 31% in the other 2 groups. More men than women re- ported using a wheelchair. Use of a manual wheelchair was reported more than twice as often in the non-Wes- tern immigrant group (Table III). A similar proportion in all groups (<20 %) received daily assistance from the public health system, 43% in the non-Western immigrant group reported that this help did not cover their needs, compared to 30% in the Western immigrant group and 21% in the native Norwegian group. Differences in Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), pain, body mass index (BMI), use of medication, smoking and exercise in the immigrant and the native polio groups, are shown in Table IV. The non-Western immigrant group reported a mean FSS score equivalent to severe fatigue, while the Wes- tern immigrant and native Norwegian polio groups reported significantly lower fatigue. The non-Western immigrant group reported pain with significantly higher intensity on the VAS scale. The non-Western group used less medication and alcohol and 52% were not satisfied with the treatment and follow-up of their pain. Mean BMI was within the normal range in all 3 groups. The 2 immigrant groups were less satisfied with their physical health than the native Norwegian Table IV. Health-related characteristics of subjects with late effects of polio Non-western immigrant Western immigrant Native Norwegian polio group (n  = 34) polio group (n  = 32) polio group (n  = 1,342) p-value FSS (n  = 28/25/1,083), mean (SD) Pain VAS scale 1–10 (n  = 33/31/1,241), mean (SD) BMI (n  = 30/31/11,254), mean (SD) Number of concomitant diseases (n  = 34/32/1,342), mean (SD) Regularly use of medication, % Analgesics (n  = 31/30/1,150) Sleep medication (n  = 28/28/1,060) Sedatives (n  = 27/27/994) Unsatisfactory physical health (n  = 28/31/1,305), % Daily smoking (n  = 33/32/1,283), % Exercising rarely or never (n  = 32/30/1,248), % Not satisfied with the help from public health system (n  = 21/20/615), % 5.5 (1.6) 6.9 (2.6) 26.3 (5.3) 1.6 (1.7) 5.1 (1.3) 6.3 (2.4) 25.0 (4.4) 3.1 (1.7) 4.7 (1.5) 5.3 (2.5) 26.8 (8.7) 2.0 (1.7) 0.011 0.000 0.498 0.000 61.3 17.9 14.8 56.7 9.1 68.8 42.9 73.3 35.7 22.2 58.1 18.8 50.0 30.0 71.9 35.3 19.8 41.3 12.0 52.7 20.5 0.423 0.161 0.770 0.046 0.444 0.189 0.032 SD: standard deviation. Numbers of respondents (n) are given for each variable. FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale; VAS: visual analogue scale; BMI total: body mass index (weight/height 2 ).