Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51-10 | Page 13

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(2012) (19) Distance = 129 m Distance = 47±20.8 m Outcomes represent mean distance/velocity scores. Appendix II. Mean 10-metre walk test (10MWT) velocity in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) using robotic locomotor training (RLT). Author (reference) 10MWT, m/s Esquenazi et al. (2012) (18) Fineberg et al. (2013) (23) 0.25 Min assist = 0.16±0.06 Hartigan et al. (2015) (22) No assist = 0.31±0.02 C5–8 = 0.22 Lonini et al. (2016) (21) Spungen et al. (2013) (20) Yang et al. (2015) (17) T9–L1 = 0.45 0.365 0.302±0.145 0.38 T1–8 = 0.26 Outcomes represent mean velocity score. J Rehabil Med 51, 2019