Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice Volume 8, Number 1, 2020/1 | Page 21

Historical Review of Distance and Online Education from 1700s to 2021 in the United States
Table 1 . Distance Education Definitions 2009 and 2020
Distance Education
October 27 , 2009 Distance education means education that uses one or more of the technologies listed in paragraphs ( 1 ) through ( 4 ) of this definition to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor , either synchronously or asynchronously . The technologies may include : ( 1 ) The Internet ; ( 2 ) One-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast , closed circuit , cable , microwave , broadband lines , fiber optics , satellite , or wireless communications devices ; ( 3 ) Audio conferencing ; or ( 4 ) Video cassettes , DVDs , and CD-ROMs , if the cassettes , DVDs , or CD-ROMs are used in a course in conjunction with any of the technologies listed in paragraphs ( 1 ) through ( 3 ) of this definition . ( U . S . Department of Education , 2009 , p . 55426 )
Distance Education December 23 , 2020
Distance education means education that uses one or more of the technologies listed in paragraphs ( 1 ) through ( 4 ) to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor , either synchronously or asynchronously . The technologies may include : ( 1 ) The Internet ; ( 2 ) One-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast , closed circuit , cable , microwave , broadband lines , fiber optics , satellite , or wireless communications devices ; ( 3 ) Audio conferencing ; or ( 4 ) Video cassettes , DVDs , and CD-ROMs , if the cassettes , DVDs , or CD-ROMs are used in a course in conjunction with any of the technologies listed in paragraphs ( 1 ) through ( 3 ). ( U . S . Department of Education , 2020 , para . 3 )
Table 2 . Correspondence Education Definitions 2009 and 2020
Correspondence Course October 27 , 2009
Correspondence course : ( 1 ) A course provided by an institution under which the institution provides instructional materials , by mail or electronic transmission , including examinations on the materials , to students who are separated from the instructor . ( 2 ) Interaction between the instructor and student is limited , is not regular and substantive , and is primarily initiated by the student . Correspondence courses are typically self-paced . ( 3 ) If a course is part correspondence and part residential training , the Secretary considers the course to be a correspondence course . ( 4 ) A correspondence course is not distance education . ( U . S . Department of Education , 2009 , p . 55426 )
Correspondence Education December 23 , 2020
Correspondence education means : ( 1 ) Education provided through one or more courses by an institution under which the institution provides instructional materials , by mail or electronic transmission , including examinations on the materials , to students who are separated from the instructor . ( 2 ) Interaction between the instructor and the student is limited , is not regular and substantive , and is primarily initiated by the student . ( 3 ) Correspondence courses are typically self-paced . ( 4 ) Correspondence education is not distance education . ( U . S . Department of Education , 2020 , para . 3 )