Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice Volume 8, Number 1, 2020/1 | Page 14

Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice
eLearning ; hybrid education , hybrid learning , hybrid instruction ; blended education , blended learning , blended instruction ; andragogy ; pedagogy ; instructional design ; Learning Sciences ; and Mind , Brain , and Education Science . We reviewed titles and abstracts to identify relevant publications . Of those publications , reference lists were reviewed to identify additional relevant publications and artifacts . Additionally , we searched publications from the U . S . Department of Education , accrediting agencies , and education databases for publications related to COVID-19 national emergency , emergency remote instruction , emergency remote teaching , emergency remote learning , Coronavirus Aid , Relief , and Economic Security ( CARES ) Act , and waiver .
This historical literature review explores four key periods : 1700-1899 ; 1900-1969 ; 1970-1989 ; and 1990-2021 . The historical literature review focuses on ( a ) distance and online education in the United States ; ( b ) instruction and instructional design ; and ( c ) pedagogy .
Knowles ( 1980 ) defined the term pedagogy as “ the art and science of teaching children ” ( p . 40 ), while andragogy is defined as “ the art and science of helping adults learn ” ( p . 43 ). According to Knowles ( 1973 ), pedagogy comes from the Greek word “ paid ” meaning child and “ agogus ” meaning leader of which together — pedagogy — means the art and science of teaching children ( p . 53 ), while andragogy comes from the Greek word “ aner ,” meaning man ( p . 54 ). However , after hearing from teachers in K-12 education and in colleges that the application of andragogical practices in certain situations were producing superior learning , Knowles ( 1980 ) shifted from “ andragogy vs pedagogy ” to “ from pedagogy to andragogy :”
I am at the point now of seeing that andragogy is simply another model of assumptions about learners to be used alongside the pedagogical model of assumptions , thereby providing two alternative models for testing out the assumptions as to their ‘ fit ’ with particular situations . ( p . 43 )
Picciano ( 2016 ) shared , “ Since online and blended learning have become so commonplace in higher education , andragogical as well as pedagogical principles are assumed to come under the umbrella of pedagogy ” ( p . 5 ). In this historical review , the term pedagogy refers to the science and art of teaching .
This review follows a chronological method to explore distance education using seminal publications from 1920 to 2021 to provide an overview of distance education in the United States , the emergence of the Learning Sciences and MBE Science , and emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic . Therefore , this historical review begins with distance education in the 1700s and concludes with looking at online education in 2021 and beyond .