Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice Volume 8, Number 1, 2020/1 | Page 72

Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice
敏捷宣言 ( Agile Manifesto ) 原则能指导学术团队和技术团 队以包容 、 灵活 、 快速的方式引领学习管理系统 ( LMS ) 迁 移项目 。 敏捷团队遵循迭代的快速循环路径 , 从项目接收到 完成的过程中对 LMS 进行设计 、 开发 、 评价 、 修改和提升 。 敏捷方法的四个价值分别是个体和互动 、 工作过程交付 、 客 户合作 、 响应变化 。 对 LMS 迁移中的每个价值加以关注 , 项 目则能实现利益攸关方完全参与 、 充分响应 、 全速运行 。
关键词 : 学习管理系统 , LMS , LMS 迁移 , 敏捷项目管理 , 敏 捷宣言

Learning management system ( LMS ) migration is one of the most complex and labor-intensive initiatives that a university might undertake . For universities with a significant hybrid or online presence , the number of courses that they must migrate from a legacy to a new system may number in the thousands . The designated team must execute the project in a manner that permits students and faculty members to transition smoothly from one system to another without loss of critical data , records , or materials . Meanwhile , faculty members and students interact with difficulty in two different systems until the project is complete .

It is impossible to predict challenges accurately in a one- to two-year migration project , given the diversity of courses , instructional formats , and faculty and student preferences . Inevitably , as soon as courses transition and users make contact within the new system , teams must adapt their best-laid plans to a new reality . Teams must adapt their processes and designs to emerging requirements and use cases that the new system provides , which are different from the legacy system procedures and habits that develop over many years .
Aligning LMS Migration with the Agile Manifesto


framework that may be informative in LMS migration is agile project management . The values and principles of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development ( https :// agilemanifesto . org /) provide an agile mindset to projects in software development . With some adaptation , the manifesto applies to other fields , such as instructional technology .
Early Considerations
Agile teams follow an iterative , rapid-cycle path from conception and early