Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy Volume 1, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2020 | Page 82

Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy
the U . S ., electricity demand reductions varied by region , depending in part on the ratio between normal commercial and residential load . In March and April , the Midwest , New York , and other regions saw demand lower by 9-16 %, while Florida did not experience significant changes . 17 Notably , as a study of Nigerian electricity usage illustrates , both voluntary reactions to the pandemic and mandatory orders reduced electricity demand in commercial and industrial sectors as it grew in residential . 18
The period of the most severe restrictions was during the spring shoulder season for the Northern hemisphere , somewhat mitigating the impact on seasonally low electric demand . Combined with falling natural gas prices , electricity prices in some areas were at or near record lows . Electricity futures in Europe were estimated to be 20 % lower in 2021-2023 due to lower prices now . 19 Due to marginal dispatch of electricity markets , these low prices primarily reduced dispatch of coal and natural gas generation ( and diesel in more isolated markets ). The path of coal in the United States is indicative . Following years of decline , coal generation declined 36 % in March 2020 compared to a year before , with an annual expected decline of about 20 % in 2020 . 20 As a result , monthly renewable generation from hydro , solar , and wind surpassed coal for the first time .
While the scale of demand reductions is unusual , the electric system is designed to handle supply contingencies , and thus had ample supply during the lockdowns . Electric reliability was not seriously threatened . Due to existing reliability standards and practices , many operational centers and control rooms already had pandemic response or other disaster response plans they were able to implement . The Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council , an industry-led group in the U . S ., issued continuously updated guidelines to help utilities implement best practices . 21 Nonetheless , the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic has led to close monitorational and Control Center Practices .” March 2020 . http :// mydocs . epri . com / docs / public / covid19 / 3002018602R2 . pdf
17 Energy Information Administration . “ Daily electricity demand impacts from COVID-19 mitigation efforts differ by region .” May 2020 . https :// www . eia . gov / todayinenergy / detail . php ? id = 43636
18 Edomah , N ., & Ndulue , G . “ Energy transition in a lockdown : An analysis of the impact of COVID- 19 on changes in electricity demand in Lagos Nigeria .” Global Transitions 2 , 2020 . https :// www . sciencedirect . com / science / article / pii / S258979182030013X
19 S & P Global . “ The Energy Transition and What It Means for European Power Prices and Producers : Midyear 2020 Update .” June 2020 . https :// www . spglobal . com / ratings / en / research / articles / 200608- the-energy-transition-and-what-it-means-for-european-power-prices-and-producers-midyear- 2020-update-11509932
20 Benjamin Storrow . “ Can Coal Survive the Coronavirus ?” April 2020 . https :// www . scientificameri can . com / article / can-coal-survive-the-coronavirus /
21 Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council . “ Assessing and Mitigating the Novel Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ): A Resource Guide .” June 2020 . https :// www . electricitysubsector . org / - / media / Files / ESCC / Documents / ESCC _ COVID _ Resource _ Guide _ v2-03242020 . ashx ? la = en & hash = D3732CB FB46827AA0331277E8D5CBE0CC4DFC3BF