Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy Volume 1, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2020 | Page 70

Author Capsule Bio
Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy
Sherrell Greene is President of Advanced Technology Insights in Knoxville , TN . His career in nuclear energy research and technology development spans over four decades in such diverse fields as electric generation system expansion planning , commercial nuclear power safety , and advanced reactor development . During his thirty-three years at Oak Ridge National Laboratory ( ORNL ), he served as Director of Nuclear Technology Programs and Director of Research Reactor Development Programs , with leadership responsibilities for over a $ 100M / yr . research , development , and demonstration program portfolio sponsored by eleven offices in four federal agencies . He has extensive experience working with senior leadership in the U . S . Department of Energy ( DOE ), U . S . National Nuclear Security Administration ( NNSA ), the U . S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC ), and the U . S . National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ). He has conducted pioneering analyses of the current and potential role of nuclear power in assuring electric Grid and Critical Infrastructure resilience and is an internationally recognized expert in commercial nuclear power severe accident safety . He holds a B . S . and M . S . in Nuclear Engineering , and a PhD in Energy Science and Engineering from the University of Tennessee , Knoxville .
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