Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy Volume 1, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2020 | Page 65

How Nuclear Power Can Transform Electric Grid and Critical Infrastructure Resilience
rPP / rNPP Functional Requirements translate to in terms of quantitative functional requirements on the rNPP ? How much real and reactive load following capability is needed and what ramp rates are required ? Which specific types of flexible operations are required and are the time frames , relative power levels , ramp rates , etc . required to fulfill flexible operations needs ? How long must the rNPP be capable of Island Mode operation , and what are the conditions for transfer into and out of Island Mode operation ? Quantitative answers to these questions and many others are required to enable the design and evaluation of specific rNPP concepts .
Table 5 . Recommended Next Steps to rNPPs and rCIIs
Developing Virtual Grid Resilience Assessment Model
Both coarse and highly granular computer simulations of actual Grid systems or synthetic Grid test systems are needed to assess the reliability , operability , and resilience implications of insertion of rNPPs into the Grid ( Table 5 , Item 2 ). Such simulations can illuminate a number of important issues such as : optimal rNPP / Grid siting strategies ; promising rNPP-Grid interface approaches ; the impacts of rNPPs on Grid reliability , availability , load flow , and stability during normal operations and extreme Grid events ; optimal approaches for maximizing the black start value of rNPPs ; and Grid transmission and distribution system modifications that would enhance the overall utility of rNPPs . The use of synthetic virtual test systems ( such as IEEE Bus test systems ) certainly have their place in such studies . The need also exists to examine the use of rNPPs as actual elements of today ’ s integrated