Journal of Academic Development and Education JADE Issue 8 | Page 40

40 | JADE ARTICLE #3 | 41 DR. KEITH WALLEY, SANDRA TURNER, DR. GILLIAN WRIGHT & FENG TAN on the BSc/BSc (Hons) International Business Management and BSc/BSc (Hons) Food Quality and Retail Management courses at HAU who have provided the data on which it is based. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Biographies Dr. Keith Walley is the International Programmes Coordinator and researcher in international management at Harper Adams University. Dr. Walley has extensive consultancy experience having worked with numerous organisations operating in the public and private sectors, and has published in a wide range of business and management journals including Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Strategic Marketing and Business Strategy and the Environment. His current research interests include acculturation, luxury branding, coopetition, and consumer behaviour. Sandra Turner is Associate Head of Department, Senior Lecturer and Course Manager for courses run jointly with Beijing Agricultural College and Huazhong Agricultural University. Her research interests focus on international students and in particular their acculturation, the management of culture shock, and the use of Communication and Information Technology (CIT) in their learning, support, and assessment. DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION TRANS-NATIONAL EDUCATION (TNE) PROVISION: TEN LESSONS FROM AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT References Acar, E. (2016) Faculty perception on international students in Turkey: Benefits and Challenges. International Education Studies, 9 (5), 1-11. Altbach, P.G. (1989) The new internationalism: Foreign students and scholars. Studies in Higher Education, 14 (2), 125-136. Baklashova, T.A. and Kazakov, A.V. (2016) Challenges of international students’ adjustment to a Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11 (8), 1821-1832. British Council (2013) The shape of things to come - The evolution of transnational education: Data, definitions, opportunities and impacts analysis. Going Global 2013. Available at: things_to_come_2.pdf Accessed: 7th October 2016. Chirkov, V. (2009) Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on critical acculturation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33, Special issue on Critical Acculturation Psychology, 94-105. Coghlan, D. and Brannick, T. (2014) Doing action research in your own organization. 4th edition, SAGE Publications Ltd.: London. Dr. Gillian Wright is Professor of Marketing and Director of Doctoral programmes at Manchester Metropolitan University Faculty of Business and Law. She was also Director of the Research Institute for Business and Management from 2004-2013. She is an experienced teacher and has considerable commercial experience having worked as a market analyst in the electronics and pharmaceutical industries and engaged in consultancy with major clients in both the public and private sectors. She has published extensively in journals ranging from Industrial Marketing Management, to the Journal of Strategic Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Management. Dajani, M. (2015) Preparing Palestinian reflective English language teachers through classroom based action research. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (3), Article 8. Mr. TAN Feng is Professor in Food Science and Food Supply Chain Management and International Programme Director at Beijing University of Agriculture. He has thirty years’ experience of working with organisations operating in the Chinese food industry. He has published in a wide range of food management journals in China, including Science and Technology of Food Industry, China Food and Food Science and Technology. His current research interests include food safety management in fresh produce supply chains, food microorganisms and food biotechnology.   HEFCE (2014) (Higher Education Funding Council for England) Transnational education in China. HEFCE Blog. Available online at: china/ Accessed: 7th October 2016. Eken, I.; Ozturgut, O.; and Craven, A.E. (2014) Leadership styles and cultural intelligence. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 11 (3), 154-165. Furnham, A. (2004) Foreign students education and culture shock. The Psychologist, 17 (1), 16-19. Hefferman, T.; Morrison, M.; Basu, P.; and Sweeney, A. (2010) Cultural differences, learning styles and transnational education. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 32 (1), 27-39.