Journal of Academic Development and Education JADE Issue 8 | Page 36

36 | JADE ARTICLE #3 | 37 DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION TRANS-NATIONAL EDUCATION (TNE) PROVISION: TEN LESSONS FROM AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT DR. KEITH WALLEY, SANDRA TURNER, DR. GILLIAN WRIGHT & FENG TAN It is particularly interesting to note how the results obtained from the first survey of the first cohort of students differs from the first survey of the latest cohort and so comparative data for selected variables relating to induction, integration and learning is presented in Table 1. The data is collected on a six point scale where 1 = Strongly Agree, 5 = Strongly Disagree, and 6 = No Opinion. A mean score has been derived for each cohort on each variable after No Opinion and missing data has been accounted for. A Difference score between the two means for each variable has then been computed to establish the magnitude of the change in scores between September 2007 and September 2015. With these Difference scores a positive means that there is increased agreement with the statement and a negative means that there is less agreement. Results The biggest improvement on criterion in the survey relates to the helpfulness of BUA and this may very well underpin many of the improvements perceived by the students. Indeed, as time has progressed BUA has gained significant experience of TNE and actively sought to build capability to the point now where many of the staff, HAU as well as BUA, consider that preparation to study in the UK really begins for the students right at the start of the programme and that everything that the students are asked to engage with, from the teaching programme, through the assignments and even the teaching provided by the flying faculty, is designed with this in mind. It is apparent that the 2015 cohort agree more strongly with the statements that the two week induction period was both good and valuable. This would suggest that there has been an improvement in the student induction possibly because there has been a concomitant increase in the amount of information provided and this is reflected in the improved scores regarding what to expect of the British, finance, accommodation, careers, doctors, and insurance as well as knowing where to get non-academic advice and the support provided by the Students’ Union. It was also clear right at the start of the initiative that while the Chinese students had travelled to the UK with the intention of meeting new people and making friends with them, they were having difficulty integrating with the UK students. While this could be explained to some extent by the challenge of communicating in a foreign language it was apparent that it was also due to their Confucian culture and reserved nature. However, once identified as an issue staff at BUA were encouraged to adopt more of a Western approach to their teaching in order to encourage participation Table 1: Changes in student experience to Transnational Education experiences 2007–2015 Sept 2007 Sept 2015 N N Mean Mean Difference t-test Induction BUA is very helpful 57 3.23 The SU is very supportive 52 2.73 Information on financial support is good 54 2.91 68 2.13 +1.10 4.20* 70 2.24 +0.49 2.11* 68 2.43 +0.48 1.99* Information on careers is good 53 3.19 65 2.68 +0.51 1.98* I know where to get non-academic advice 55 2.85 69 2.33 +0.52 1.96* I received good information regarding Doctors 49 3.10 66 2.62 +0.48 1.85** The 2-week induction was good 57 2.32 71 1.89 +0.43 1.76** The induction period is very valuable 55 2.31 72 1.99 +0.32 1.39 The British are just as I expected before I came 54 2.85 69 2.54 +0.31 1.20 I received poor information regarding insurance 48 2.88 67 3.13 -0.25 -0.96 Information on accommodation is poor 55 3.33 71 3.85 -0.52 -2.08* There are good opportunities to participate in sports at HA 50 3.02 69 2.22 +0.80 3.25* There are good opportunities to participate in social activities at HA 51 2.84 72 2.14 +0.70 3.01* Life around HA is boring 56 2.73 69 3.22 -0.49 -1.97* I regularly make use of the English Language support staff at HA 54 2.72 65 2.26 +0.46 2.02* The main aim of HE should be to teach students to think for themselves 55 2.42 68 2.09 +0.33 1.30 The Lecturers are very helpful 54 2.17 70 1.93 +0.24 1.10 Lectures are a good means of teaching 53 2.21 71 1.97 +0.24 1.04 Integration Learning I learn a lot in tutorials 52 2.44 69 2.22 +0.22 0.97 I am better at multiple choice questions rather than open-ended 56 2.55 68 2.79 -0.24 -0.96 I do not help friends with their assignments 53 3.30 70 3.79 -0.49 -1.95* * Significant 95%, ** Significant 90%