Journal of Academic Development and Education JADE Issue 11 Summer 2019 | Page 14
Highlight #3
Keele Action Research Network
“If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.”
Keele Action Research
Network (KARN)
Kurt Lewin (1890-1947)
Author: S. Read and
K. Wright-Bevans
Whilst Acton Research historically has its roots firmly embedded
in education, recent years have seen the emergence of this
approach across a broad spectrum of research disciplines.
Professionals in health and social care, psychology and
education, have all embraced the opportunities that action
research approaches can bring to effect changes in practice
and impact in a number of areas with a number of differing
populations. Such approaches engender inclusion and
co-productive working in a very deliberate and creative
manner. We strive to work as scholar-activists, seeking to both
understanding and facilitate positive social change.
[email protected]
We know that Action Research has been used at Keele to
explore and develop approaches with sensitive topics (e.g. loss,
bereavement and end of life care; compassionate communities;
the criminal justice system; health services) and involving
sensitive populations (i.e. marginalised groups such as children
and young people; people with intellectual disabilities; older
people). The potential for developing collaborative, funded
research is heightened by this wealth of expertise that we can
capture across the university.
The Keele Action Research Network (KARN) was established
five years ago following to a three day International Action
Research Seminar in Bristol. KARN aims to provide a regular
safe and supportive space for action researchers to meet, share
good practice, generate ideas and to promote creative and
collaborative opportunities for shared learning and practice
KARN is jointly chaired by Professor Sue Read (School of
Nursing and Midwifery) and Dr Katie Wright-Bevans (School
of Psychology). The Network hosts a website (
actionresearch/), organises seasonal meetings (four times per
year) and welcomes academics, clinicians, practitioners and
students as part of its growing membership. We also organise
events, where invited speakers can share good research practice.
We have recently organised two half day seminars (one at the
School of Nursing and Midwifery; one on Keele campus) to
showcase the breadth of action research across the university
and beyond it.